Victims’ rights are the way that victims are guaranteed a voice in the criminal justice system. Established by statute or constitution, the rights ensure that victims know about case proceedings and can share their views with the prosecutor and the court.
Many victims are unaware of their rights, however, and so it is critical that those working with victims understand the rights that victims are entitled to in their jurisdiction, so that they can help to ensure that victims can participate in the case to the extent they choose.
A failure to accord victims their rights can derail the investigation or prosecution of a case and deny victims the voice that legislatures have mandated they have. In this online course, taught by Katharine Manning, the Justice Department’s former victim rights’ advisor, you'll learn about the rights that victims have in state, Tribal, military, and federal courts, best practices to accord those rights, and the way those rights are enforced.
This online course is pre-approved for 5 CEU credits by the National Advocate Credentialing Program (NACP)® and the DoD Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP). Founded in 1975, the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) is the oldest national victim assistance organization of its type in the United States.