his glossary highlights some of the
technological terms victim service
providers may encounter when dealing
with victims during a criminal investigation.
Many terms have been used in
this bulletin, but others are listed to give
providers a more thorough understanding
of the importance of DNA.
ABO Blood Typing: A commonly used
genetic typing test that uses antibodies to
detect variations on the surface of human
red blood cells. Individuals are typed as
having an A, B, O, or AB blood type by
testing liquid or stains from body fluids
(such as blood, saliva, vaginal secretions).
One out of every three randomly selected
pairs of people have the same ABO blood
Amelogenin: A gene present on the X
and Y sex chromosomes that is used in
DNA identification testing to determine
the gender of the donor of the DNA of a
biological sample.
Biological Evidence: Evidence commonly
recovered from crime scenes in the form
of hair, tissue, bones, teeth, blood, or
other bodily fluids.
Chain of Custody: A record of individuals
who have had physical possession of
the evidence and the process used to
maintain and document the chronological
history of the evidence. Documents
should include the name or initials of
the individual collecting the evidence,
each person or entity subsequently having
custody of it, the dates the items
were collected or transferred, where the
items were collected, the agency and
case number, the victim's or suspect's
name (if known), and a brief description
of the item.
CODIS: The Combined DNA Index
System is an electronic database of DNA
profiles obtained from evidence samples
from unsolved crimes and from known
individuals convicted of particular
crimes. Contributions to this database
are made through state crime laboratories
and the data are maintained by the
Contamination: The undesirable transfer
of material to physical evidence
(DNA) from another source.
Degradation: The breaking down of
DNA into smaller fragments by chemical
or physical processes. Degradation of
DNA may limit its use as evidence.
DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid, often
referred to as the "blueprint of life," is
an organic substance found in nearly
all cells. DNA determines each person's
individual characteristics. An individual's
DNA is unique except in identical
twins. DNA in the cell nucleus is the
genetic material inherited from our
biological parents. The shape of DNA
resembles a rope ladder that has been
twisted (double helix).
DNA Advisory Board (DAB): Created
under the DNA Identification Act of
1994, DAB established standards for
forensic DNA testing laboratories and
held its last meeting in fall 2000.
DNA Marker: A piece of DNA from a
known location in the DNA molecule,
which differs between people. The DNA
marker is used to identify the specific genetic
variations an individual possesses.
DNA Profile: A set of genetic characteristics
that results from forensic DNA
analysis of several DNA markers.
DNA Typing or Profiling: The process
of testing to identify DNA patterns or
types. In the forensic setting, this testing
is used to indicate parentage or to exclude
or include individuals as possible sources
of body fluid stains (blood, saliva, or
semen) and other biological evidence
(bones, teeth, or hair).
Elimination or Reference Sample: A
term used to describe a sample of known
source taken for comparison purposes. An
elimination sample is one of known
source taken from a person who had lawful
access to the crime scene to be used
for comparison with evidence of the same
type. Examples of elimination samples include
blood or cheek (buccal) swabs for
DNA analysis, fingerprints from occupants,
tire tread impressions from police
vehicles, or footwear impressions from
emergency medical personnel. A reference
sample is material of a verifiable/
documented source which shows an
association or link between an offender,
crime scene, and/or victim when compared
with evidence of an unknown
source. For example, a carpet cutting
taken from a location suspected as the
point of transfer for comparison with the
fibers recovered from a suspect's shoes, a
sample of paint removed from a suspect's
vehicle to be compared with paint found
on a victim's vehicle following an accident,
or a sample of the suspect's and/or
victim's blood submitted for comparison
with a bloodstained shirt recovered as
Exclusion: A DNA test result indicating
that an individual is excluded as the
source of DNA evidence. In the context
of a criminal case, exclusion does not
necessarily mean a suspect is innocent.
Exemplar: A biological sample (such as
blood or saliva) collected from a known
individual to be used for comparison to
DNA test results from evidence samples.
Also referred to as a standard.
Inclusion: A DNA test result indicating
that an individual is not excluded as the
source of DNA evidence. In the context
of a criminal case, inclusion does not necessarily
mean a suspect is guilty.
Inconclusive Results: A situation in
which no conclusion can be reached
regarding testing done due to one of
many possible reasons (such as no results
obtained, uninterpretable results obtained,
no exemplar/standard available
for testing).
Locus (pl. loci): The specific physical location
of a gene on a chromosome.
Mitochondrial DNA: DNA found in the
mitochondria in each cell of a body. The
sequencing of mitochondrial DNA can
link individuals descended from a common
female ancestor.
Nuclear DNA: DNA found in the nucleus
of a cell. DNA testing using RFLP,
DQA1 (DQa), PM, D1S80, or STRs
screen markers in nuclear DNA.
PCR: Polymerase chain reaction is a
process used in DNA identification testing
in which one or more specific small
regions of the DNA are copied using a
DNA polymerase enzyme so that a sufficient
amount of DNA is generated for
analysis. This process enables scientists to
obtain genetic information from small or
degraded specimens.
Polymorphism: Variations in DNA sequences
in a population that are detected
in human DNA identification testing.
Reference Sample: See Elimination or
Reference Sample listing.
RFLP: Restriction fragment length polymorphism
is a process used in DNA identification
testing in which size (fragment
length) differences at specific regions of
the DNA are detected.
STR: Short tandem repeat(s) are small
regions of the DNA that contain short
segments (usually 2, 3, 4, or 5 bases long)
repeated several times in tandem (side-by-side). Thirteen STR sequences have
been selected as the genetic markers to be
used in CODIS.
Substrates: Any background material
upon which a biological sample has been
deposited (e.g., clothing, glass, wood, or