Module 4: Providing Services
Topic: Putting Skills To Work
- Name the steps in an intervention.
- Name four empowerment tools of the Good Samaritan.
- Correctly complete a Service Record form.
- Describe the process for acquiring materials.
Learning Objectives
After training, participants will be able to
The Anatomy of a Victim Service Call
The Good Samaritan First Aid Kit
General Guidelines for Volunteers
Serving Specific Victims
Training Techniques
Using one of the case studies from the "Service Call Role Play," have trainees identify which tools from the "First Aid Kit" handout were used by the volunteers in the case study.
Using your own community's resource guide, have participants develop a list of referrals for this victim.
Serving Specific Victims:
This exercise may be completed individually or in small groups. Discuss the solutions: What issues or problems might be very difficult to respond to and why? What kinds of victims might be more difficult for you to work with and why? What community resources are available for each group?
Topic: Forms and Paperwork
- Accurately complete Service Record and Crime Scene Reports.
- Document services provided.
- Accurately report their service hours.
Learning Objectives
After training, participants will be able to
Keeping Track (forms and paperwork)
Crime Scene Record
Service Record
Monthly Activity Report
Training Techniques
Have participants fill out the Crime Scene Report, Service Record, and Monthly Activity Report using the information provided in the case study.