Message From the Director

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) funded the Victim Services 2000 (VS2000) project to establish demonstration sites for the development of effective systems of services delivery to crime victims.The project goal was to develop a model that would improve the range and quality of services for crime victims as well as the victims’ access to them.

In 1997, Denver, Colorado, was awarded a VS2000 grant and selected as the VS2000 urban demonstration site.This bulletin describes the factors most critical to the success of Denver’s efforts. Project participants agreed to be guided by core values, a shared vision and goal, and a commitment to the creative use of collaboration. Other critical factors were diverse, balanced leadership; skilled facilitators; careful maintenance of the collaborative climate; dedication to victim-centered sevices; and the inclusion of all stakeholders in planning and decisionmaking.

OVC and the VS2000 staff hope that sharing the Denver experiences will help victim service professionals across the country form productive collaborations for better services and assistance to victims of crime.

John W. Gillis, Director

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Making Collaboration Work: The Experiences of
Denver Victim Services 2000
December 2002