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Blackfeet Tribal Business Council

Browning, MT


The primary objectives in improving the effectiveness of child sexual abuse investigations and prosecutions on the reservation were to (1) develop a Tribal Code to address child sexual abuse issues that are not prosecuted in Federal court; (2) establish and train a Sexual Abuse Team to review cases of child sexual abuse; (3) establish a child abuse/neglect library; (4) provide intensive training on child sexual abuse issues; and (5) establish a Victims Assistance Program on the reservation.

Bristol Bay Native Association

Dillingham, AK


Funding was used to (1) establish a multidisciplinary task force to clarify the roles of the responsible agencies and develop a coordinated approach to handling child abuse cases; (2) establish a council of nonprofessional community members, including victims of childhood sexual abuse, to serve as an advisory council to the multidisciplinary task force and to the Association in its performance of the overall project; (3) develop formal interagency protocols for responding to child abuse between the prosecutor's office, Department of Family and Youth Service, Bristol Bay Native Association, law enforcement, and other agencies involved in referral and treatment; (4) train Village Police Safety Officers (VPSO) and other law enforcement officers in specialized investigatory and interviewing techniques in child sexual abuse cases; (5) train community health aides, VPSOs, educators, and village leaders in recognizing and reporting child abuse; (6) provide extensive village outreach in three villages in order to establish volunteer support groups, educate village residents about child sexual abuse, and develop Tribal procedures for protecting village children; (7) provide a child advocate to represent child victims with service providers and during the court process;

(8) enhance interagency cooperation between State and Tribal entities, to provide training to service providers and law enforcement; (9) to better coordinate the handling of child abuse cases among Tribal and State agencies; (10) to organize a child advocacy/Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program; (11) stabilize Village Response Teams through continued training and outreach activities; (12) develop Tribal codes and procedures in three targeted villages; and (13) continue support and training for the Interagency Task Force and Child Protection Teams.

Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma

Tahlequah, OK


Funding was used to (1) provide legal advice to the Child Protection Team (CPT) and to assist in the prosecution of cases in State court; (2) train the CPT in innovative procedures for investigating and prosecuting child sexual abuse cases; and (3) develop formal protocols among all parties involved in the investigation, referral, prosecution, and treatment of child sexual abuse cases. In addition, the tribe established its own Tribal Court System and the project was responsible for providing specialized training in handling criminal child abuse and child sexual abuse cases in the new court.

Chippewa Cree

Box Elder, MT


The goals of the project were to (1) strengthen and improve the Chippewa Cree (Rocky Boy's) process for investigation, prosecution, and handling of child sexual abuse and serious child physical abuse cases by examining the current system, identifying changes and resources needed to improve the system, and developing policies and procedures for effective program implementation; (2) establish a community-wide program to deal with the issue of child abuse and neglect; and (3) develop a program that could be used for replication by other tribes.


Anchorage, AK

The goal of this program was to implement systems for recognizing child abuse, intervening in child abuse cases, and protecting children in all Native villages in the Chugach region. The primary objectives were to (1) provide information on child abuse issues and family dynamics to each Native village; (2) train service providers in intervening to ensure child safety; (3) develop a child protective services system in each community; and (4) institute a data collection system.

Crow Creek Sioux Tribe

Ft. Thompson, SD


The primary objectives were to (1) develop written guidelines and cooperative agreements between State, Federal, and Tribal agencies for investigation and services in order to decrease the amount of time required to investigate child sexual abuse cases; (2) improve coordination of services by facilitating case management on all substantiated cases; and (3) re- vise the Tribal Juvenile Code to allow for adequate protection of children who were physically and sex- ually abused.

Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes

Poplar, MT


Funding was provided to (1) centralize reporting of child sexual abuse cases through the Tribal special prosecutor; (2) minimize the number of child interviews by improving coordination between the primary agencies involved in child abuse cases; (3) establish support groups for victims and their families; (4) provide child advocacy during court proceedings; and (5) provide specialized training to members of the Child Protection Team (6) revise the juvenile and criminal codes to address serious child abuse and neglect; (7) develop a policy manual to clarify each agency's primary and coordinating responsibilities; (8) develop a family-based services program; (9) develop a computerized system to track and identify coordination and direct services responsibilities of each agency, track case progress, collect and record up-to-date information on all case activity, and improve record keeping; and (10) improve coordination with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the U.S. Attorney's Office.

Gila River Indian Community

Sacaton, AZ


The goal of this program was to develop a regional training center with interview facilities for child sexual abuse victims. The objectives were to (1) conduct multidisciplinary child interviews; (2) train social services staff, police, medical, prosecution, and education staff in "state-of-the-art" child interviewing techniques; (3) establish a special interviewing team; and (4) update the Tribal code to reflect changes in sentencing regarding child abuse. In addition, the interview lab was to serve as a training center for Tribal and Federal intervention teams. (5) provide clinical consultation to personnel who provided services to victims of child sexual abuse; (6) develop a multidisciplinary training team to increase cross-disciplinary understanding and cooperation; (7) provide training to community-based groups working with youth; (8) develop a multidisciplinary protocol for the investigation of child sexual abuse cases; (9) consolidate the use of joint law enforcement and child protective services interviews using the new interview room; and (10) revise the Tribe's Children's Code.

Grand Portage Business Committee

Grand Portage, MN


This program used funding to provide the Reservation Child Protection Team (CPT) with the capability to respond effectively to child sexual abuse. The program trained the CPT members in assessment, interviewing techniques, and in processing sexual abuse information. The program (1) developed a guideline to assure consistency in responding to sexual abuse cases; (2) instituted a Sexual Abuse Response Team to reduce the length and number of child interviews, processing, and response time for reported cases of child sexual abuse; (3) trained the CPT on legal process and procedures in order to reduce the time lapse in court preparation and prosecution of cases; and (4) provided consistency in assessing and handling abuse/neglect and sexual abuse cases; (5) provided training to mandated reporters and the Sexual Abuse Response Team in responding to sexual abuse cases; (6) developed written guidelines accompanied by training in protocol implementation to all parties involved in the investigation and prosecution of child sexual abuse cases; (7) initiated a volunteer advocate program for children; and (8) trained the staff of organizations and programs responsible for addressing children's issues.

The Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa

Suttons Bay, MI


This program utilized grant funds to expand and improve existing services that functioned in a limited capacity, to a six-county service area. The project (1) provided community education, (2) launched a Tribal child abuse program,(3) developed a Tribal Procedures Manual on Child Abuse, and(4) provided counseling and case management services to abused children in the service area. In addition, a Children's Code was developed to be absorbed into the criminal justice system in an effort to improve the investigation and prosecution of child sexual abuse cases.

Hannahville Indian Community

Wilson, MI


This program(1) provided intensive training and developed protocols among various parties involved in child abuse; (2) developed Tribal policies and procedures addressing multijurisdictional issues directed by the Tribal Attorney; (3) developed four modules for direct training by experts; (4) provided community forums and school programs; (5) refined and expanded child abuse training to court person-nel, law enforcement, CPT members and the community; (6) revised all criminal codes to address child abuse and neglect; and (7) developed a case tracking system.

The Hopi Tribe

Kykotsmovi, AZ


This grant provided (1) funding to hire a clinical social worker trained in child sexual abuse investigative techniques; (2) training to the Children's Court Counselors and Criminal Investigator; and (3) training to members of the Hopi Children's Protection Team, law enforcement personnel, and Tribal court employees on methods to improve the investigation and prosecution of child sexual abuse cases.

Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians

Lac du Flambeau, WI


The grant award supported improvements to the tribe's overall response to child abuse by (1) providing investigation skills training to each case manager on the L.F. Child Welfare staff; (2) developing interagency collaboration and a network delivery system; and (3) assessing the effectiveness of the L.F. Child Welfare System, its relationship to the County Juvenile Justice System, and including specific recommendations for Tribal Council, County and State officials action to improve these systems.

Pueblo of Laguna

Laguna, NM


The primary objectives of this program were to (1) hire and train staff to improve the skills they needed to execute a planned program and effectively respond to child abuse; (2) develop and/or revise policies, procedures, and Tribal codes that directly address the criminal justice and social services systems' response to child abuse and neglect; and (3) provide training to criminal justice, social services, medical and mental health professionals, and other responsible Tribal employees to improve skills and support program changes.

Lummi Indian Nation

Bellingham, WA


This grant provided funding to strengthen the Tribe's response to crimes against children on the Lummi reservation. The primary objectives were to (1) hire a program director to coordinate the criminal justice system's improvements; (2) establish communication and develop a working relationship between Indian and NonIndian child protection agencies on the reservation and in surrounding counties; (3) review, revise, and strengthen the existing protocol agreement for effective child protection; (4) expand Tribal court prosecution services; and (5) provide Tribal court child advocacy services.

Menominee Indian Community

Keshena, WI


This award provided funding to train seven multidisciplinary agencies involved in handling child abuse cases on the reservation in order to develop a concentrated, coordinated approach to the investigation and prosecution of cases. The primary objective was to increase the involvement of professionals through intensive cross-training. The desired results were better treatment of child victims, improved victim cooperation with involved agencies, reduction of conflicting evidence and a subsequent increase in the number of prosecutions.

Minnesota Chippewa Tribe

Cass Lake, MN


Funding will provide the opportunity to develop uniform, standard procedures for the Tribes, State, and counties to follow when working with Indian families involved in severe physical and sexual abuse cases in Minnesota. The project will serve as a consortium of four reservations (Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech Lake, and White Earth) to develop model projects for handling child abuse cases. The primary objectives are to (1) train Tribal staff; establish and train multidisciplinary teams; (2) develop Tribal ordinances, codes, and protocols; (3) develop collaborative State, county, and Tribal agreements to develop cooperative procedures; and (4) provide training to members of local Tribal councils to improve the overall response to child physical and sexual abuse.

Mississippi Band of Choctaw

Philadelphia, MS


The award provided funding to (1) establish procedures for a multidisciplinary case management approach to assessment, investigation, prosecution, treatment, and followup of child abuse cases; (2) establish a special child-centered interview and play therapy room; (3) provide training for on-site and off-site staff and child protection team members regarding the effective management and coordination of cases; (4) facilitate the arrangement of specialized medical examinations for child sexual abuse victims; and (5) revise the Tribal code and Tribal criminal justice system to make it more responsive to child victims.

Muscogee Creek Nation

Okmulgee, OK


The goal of this program was to establish a comprehensive child protection system that is responsive to cases of child abuse throughout the investigatory, prosecutory, and treatment phases of the process. To accomplish this goal, the Creek Nation proposed to establish a written protocol for the uniform reporting of child abuse incidents. The Creek Nation Department of Justice (1) created a Special Prosecution Unit that responded to cases; (2)expanded and trained the multidisciplinary team; (3) developed legislative revisions to the existing Creek Nation Criminal and Juvenile codes; and (4) conducted a systems analysis of their current response procedure.

The Navajo Nation

Window Rock, AZ


The award was focused on their Child Sexual Abuse Response Initiative in order to develop and coordinate procedural guidelines for the investigation and prosecution of child sexual abuse cases. The main objectives were to (1) develop a formal plan of operation in obtaining coordination and effective communication between the key agencies involved in the reporting, investigation, prosecution, and treatment of child sexual abuse; and (2) develop written standards which would identify a prioritization system to ensure key agencies acted appropriately and consistently based on the nature and extent of the abuse; (3) continue the development and/or revision of agency guidelines that would result in the establishment of a priority system within the Division of Social Services, Division of Public Safety, Office of the Prosecutor and the various Child Protection Teams relating to child sexual abuse; (4) develop and implement the concept of a multidisciplinary team through a Memorandum of Agreement and a protocol involving all agencies associated with the investigation and prosecution of child abuse and child sexual abuse; (5) facilitate the development and/or modification of Tribal codes and court rules in an effort to aid in the swift identification, reporting, and prosecution of child abuse and sexual abuse; and (6) collect and analyze relevant child abuse and child sexual abuse case data in an effort to improve upon the current investigation and prosecution systems.

Nez Perce Tribe

Lapwai, ID


This award provided funding to (1) develop formal protocols between all agencies involved in the investigation, referral, prosecution, and treatment of child abuse cases; (2) draft, review, and adopt amendments to the existing Nez Perce Tribal Child Welfare Code; (3) train Child Protection Team (CPT) members in innovative procedures for investigating and prosecuting child sexual abuse cases; and (4) develop treatment and case management plans that included obtaining special counseling as needed in the treatment and recovery process for victims of child sexual assault; (5) continue participation with the Nez Perce County CPT to ensure every abused Native American child was referred to all available services and that a Nez Perce child victim advocate was available to assist in all case work; (6) identify resources that needed to be developed on the reservation; (7) provide community education and generate an awareness of child abuse problems on the reservation; (8) develop a handout to be distributed throughout the reservation that described child abuse and how it should be reported; and (9) establish a file for each child abuse case to ensure that a mechanism for monitoring and revising individual case management plans within the tribe existed.

Northern Cheyenne Tribe

Lame Deer, MT


This project created long-term systemic change and improvement in a nonfunctioning child protective service system. Primary objectives were to (1) coordinate all child protective services among agencies involved in providing services to and meeting the needs of children; (2) coordinate the counseling necessary to assist child victims on the road to recovery and mental health; (3) provide services to child victims in the area of Guardian ad Litem and advocacy services; (4) provide needed training to staff working with child victims on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation; and (5) develop protocols for reporting, investigating, prosecuting, and providing treatment of child sexual abuse.

Oglala Sioux Tribe

Pine Ridge, SD


This award supported activities to (1) organize and plan liaison work with Tribal, State, and Federal agencies; (2) develop a better integration of functions, roles, and working agreements; (3) develop a protocol for the child welfare system; and (4) provide training to Tribal law enforcement, court and school officials, social service workers, and members of the multidisciplinary child protection team; (5) conduct inservice training sessions for the child protection team, the Oglala Sioux Court, and Tribal law enforcement; (6) continue community presentations and awareness activities; (7) form liaisons and problem solve with agencies to better coordinate the handling of child abuse cases, develop memoranda of agreement among agencies, and develop an overall protocol for handling cases; (8) organize the Pine Ridge and Kyle CPTs to operate within the accepted protocol; and (9) form a task force to evaluate the success of the project.

Omaha Tribe of Nebraska

Macy, NE


This purpose of this award is to create a multidisciplinary team and develop its capacity to deliver an integrated, seamless system for the investigation, prosecution, and handling of serious physical and sexual abuse cases. The term seamless is defined as a system absent of gaps that allow children and their families to be adversely affected by the lack of service or the services themselves. The project will design a replicable model emphasizing a culturally relevant process unique to the tribe.

Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin

Oneida, WI


The overall goal of this project is to develop and implement a program that will result in significant systemic improvements in the investigation, prosecution, and handling of child physical and sexual abuse cases. Specific objectives are (1) to address and implement recommendations of the findings from the Assessment Report; (2) to enhance Oneida tribal authority in the investigation, prosecution, and resolution of child abuse cases by exploring the establishment of a Tribal court, and by developing and implementing an Oneida Child Protection Code; (3) to build Tribal capacity for program development and technical assistance by providing skills building, multidisciplinary training to all professional and Tribal service providers involved in responding to the maltreatment of Oneida children; (4) to establish a data collection system for tracking/monitoring child abuse cases;

and (5) to develop forms for use by Tribal and county child protection agencies.

Ramah Navajo School Board

Pine Hill, NM


The purpose of this program is to improve the investigation and prosecution of serious child abuse and child sexual abuse by focusing on effective coordination of cases among involved agencies, intensive case management, and clinical intervention. The objectives are to (1)establish an interagency task force of appropriate representatives to address inherent systemic problems in the investigation, prosecution, and treatment of victims and perpetrators; (2) review and revise existing applicable interagency protocols from the Navajo Children's Code, FBI, and Tribal prosecution mandates, and Department of social services procedures; (3) develop a procedural manual which incorporates the revised protocols; and (4) develop culturally sensitive intervention/treatment curricula that will support the child victim and her/his family through the disclosure process and the treatment setting.

Rosebud Sioux Tribe

Rosebud, SD


The award was designed to increase the total number of child abuse cases prosecuted in 1 year, and to achieve a complete revision of existing Tribal sexual abuse codes and ordinances. The project proposed to develop a manual for addressing child sexual abuse as well as use a one-way mirror and remote camera testimony system to enhance child abuse prosecutions.

Salt River Pima/Maricopa Indian Community Scottsdale, AZ


This program (1) established a Special Prosecutor position to handle all child abuse and sexual abuse cases; (2) established a Children's Advocate position to assist in coordinating victim and family services for child abuse cases; (3) coordinated the development, revision, and implementation of the Tribal Code, Rules for the Children's Court, Rules of Evidence; (4) trained criminal justice, health and human service practitioners in case preparation, interview techniques, presenting courtroom testimony, and procedures for court sensitivity to children; (5) coordinated the development and establishment of a Children's Bill of Right Code; (6) designed, maintained, and utilized an effective child victim interview room; (7) developed and maintained a child abuse and technical assistance library; (8) provided specialized child victim videotaped interview training to child protective service workers, investigators, and prosecutors; (9) developed a formal protocol for handling child abuse cases; and (10) developed and maintained a functioning multidisciplinary team.

Salt River Indian Community

Scottsdale, AZ

The purpose of this program was to develop a model project and materials that could be adapted by other tribes. The objectives were to (1) maintain the stability of the Child Protective Services clinical team and the Multidisciplinary Team; (2) develop protocols for handling cases of child abuse; (3) provide training to law enforcement personnel, judges, advocates, and social service, education and health care professionals; (4) participate in the recruitment of personnel working to address child physical and sexual abuse; and (5) make recommendations to the Tribal Council regarding the utilization of treatment professionals.

Santa Clara Pueblo

Espanola, NM


This award provided funding to (1) establish a trained law enforcement officer to investigate all child abuse and child sexual abuse cases; (2) increase the number of child abuse and child sexual abuse cases prosecuted in the Tribal court through the employment of a Special Tribal Prosecutor; (3) provide training and consultation to enhance the investigative and prosecutorial skills of the staff; (4) provide training on child abuse and sexual abuse issues to all law enforcement officers, the Tribal prosecutor, and the Tribal judge; (5) improve case coordination among all entities involved in the investigation, prosecution, and treatment of child abuse and sexual abuse cases; and (6) improve the quality of treatment services available to child abuse and child sexual abuse victims and their families.

Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Sault Ste Marie, MI


The purpose of this program was to establish a community response to serious child physical abuse and child sexual abuse by developing a protocol that would respond specifically to each protective services referral. The program proposed to (1) develop procedures for an Emergency Response Team to handle investigations of child abuse cases; (2) expand and develop procedures for the Child Protection Team to review the cases and develop treatment plans for child sexual abuse victims; (3) develop a system to collect data on child sexual abuse; and (4) develop an ongoing community awareness program; (5) refine the procedures of the Multidisciplinary Team in handling investigations and coordination of child abuse cases; (6) finalize the Child Abuse Protocol and obtain approval by the Tribe's Board of Directors; (7) develop a computerized database to collect statistical information and track child abuse cases through the system; (8) expand and strengthen the community awareness program; and (9) provide comprehensive training for the Multidisciplinary Team, Child Protection Team, and others who provide services, review cases, and develop treatment plans for child sexual abuse victims.

Shoshone and Arapaho Tribes

Fort Washakie, WY


This award provided funding to develop a unified system to investigate and prosecute cases of child sexual abuse and serious child physical abuse occurring on the Wind River Reservation and to create a unified and effective approach to the treatment of victims of such abuse. The objectives were to (1) assess the current system for handling child abuse cases and recommend action to be taken by the tribe; (2) establish and institute procedures for collecting and reporting relevant data; (3) coordinate and train the various agencies involved in case handling; and (4) undertake a public information program to encourage support for the program's goals and to solicit community input for the program's operations.

South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency

Shelton, WA


The Planning Agency served as a consortium of five tribes to plan, develop, and implement a multi-year program of staff training and system improvements to the tribal responses to child sexual abuse. The objectives were to (1) train Child Protection Teams (CPTs) to handle and investigate child sexual abuse cases; (2) develop protocols among the various agencies involved in child abuse cases; (3) develop treatment plans that recognize the special needs of child abuse victims; and (4) revise and implement Tribal codes for five tribes to facilitate investigations and prosecutions of child sexual abuse cases and reduce the trauma to child victims;

(5) finalize and implement procedural protocols; (6) complete training for the Indian Child Welfare staff and Child Protection teams; (7) implement and test treatment plans; (8) assess the current Tribal child and family services programs and identify additional resources and changes needed to improve the tribes' responses to child abuse; (9) secure the resources necessary to implement the training and system improvement plans for each Tribal child and family services program; and (10) disseminate materials developed under the project to other tribes and Tribal organizations interested in making similar improvements and provide limited technical assistance in their use.

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Fort Yates, ND


This award provided funds to the Tribal Court to create a permanent change in the method by which child physical and sexual abuse were investigated, prosecuted, and provided services on the Standing Rock reservation. The project proposed to establish clearly defined lines of authority and responsibilities through the implementation of a formal protocol. The primary objectives involved (1) developing and continuing a working relationship with law enforcement, social services, and other entities involved in child physical and sexual abuse cases to improve case procedures; (2) training staff in effective methods for reporting, referral, initial investigation, and followup services; (3) revising and implementing a formal protocol for investigating, prosecuting, and delivering services to child victims and their families; (4) revising and implementing the Tribal criminal statutes and administrative policies for addressing child physical abuse and sexual abuse; and (5) providing community education to build an understanding of victimization of children and to increase reporting and cooperation in prosecution; (6) reducing trauma to child victims by providing intensive counseling services for sexually abused children and their families; and (7) developing an effective case management system. The counseling would consist of in-home counseling, court ordered counseling, group therapy, and followup services to ensure a positive family reunification.

The Tender Hearts, Inc. program

(Located on the Standing Rock Reservation)

Fort Yates, ND


This program received funding to develop the proper tools and resources to combat child sexual abuse and provide healing for the child victims. The primary goals were to (1) facilitate identification, reporting, and successful prosecution of incidents of child sexual abuse by training Tender Hearts staff, Tribal employees, Bureau of Indian Affairs workers, and others in specialized skills designed to increase the ability to bring the case to successful completion/prosecution and to facilitate a healing environment for the child victim; (2) provide direct services, court advocacy, and referral to child abuse victims and their families during the process from report to postconviction by providing "western" clinical counseling, as well as traditional healing; and (3) provide liaison services for child abuse victims in the Tribal and Federal court systems through coordination with the U.S. Attorney's Office.

Three Affiliated Tribes

New Town, ND


This grant provided funding to strengthen the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nations' ability to deal effectively with cases of sexual and serious physical abuse during the investigation, prosecution, and treatment processes on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. The TAT proposed to develop and implement culturally appropriate policies and procedures that would improve the ability of the Tribal court to hold offenders accountable and respond to the needs of child victims and their families.

Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California, Gardnerville, NV


This award provided funding to (1) revise the Tribal law and order code to expand jurisdiction over nonmember Indians and nonIndians; (2) establish a written protocol among all parties involved in child sexual abuse cases to address jurisdictional concerns; (3) develop in-house workshops and seminars to provide specialized training; and (4) organize a satellite CASA program within the judicial court system; (5) continue the services of the trained law enforcement officer to investigate child abuse and sexual assault cases only; (6) provide counseling services to all child sexual abuse victims on the reservation; (7) complete revision of the criminal section of the Tribal law and order code; and (8) upgrade the skills of the Tribe's child protection team.

Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska

Winnebago, NE


This grant provided funding to improve the procedures for investigating and prosecuting child abuse and neglect through the establishment of a Quick Response Team (QRT). The QRT would compliment the Multidisciplinary Team's activities of child abuse and neglect case review. Specific objectives were to (1) develop a culturally relevant program of service delivery that emphasized the Tribal Code, Tribal traditions, customs, and beliefs, and utilized the expertise of both formal and informal leaders of the tribe; (2) develop protocols for investigation and prosecution of child abuse to be used by the MDT, the QRT, and other agencies involved in child abuse cases; (3) develop a special witness education program with the assistance of the U. S. Attorney's Victim Witness Specialist; (4) provide specialized training for the investigator, physicians at the Winnebago Hospital, as well as provide cross-training between agencies and within agencies to break down further barriers to service delivery and assure continuous coverage of cases; and (5) develop a formal tracking system to compile statistics on child abuse reports, investigations, prosecutions, treatment, and service referrals.

Zuni Pueblo

Zuni, NM


The goal of this program was to limit additional trauma to child victims by improving the investigation and prosecution of cases of child physical and sexual abuse. The objectives of the project were to (1) contract an attorney to prosecute serious child abuse cases, including child sexual abuse; (2) hire an investigator to investigate cases and work with service providers; (3) hire a Court Appointed Special Advocate to provide information and support to abused children and their families; (4) establish a child-friendly interview room; (5) revise the Zuni Tribal Code to increase penalties for child abuse offenders; and (6) improve coordination between Tribal and Federal investigative agencies.

For Further Information

3/2/98 FS000205