1997-98 Academy Text Supplement
Chapter 21-3
Workplace Violence: Its Nature and Extent
Statistical Overview
- In 1995, 1,024 Americans were victims of workplace homicide (includes murders by co-workers, personal acquaintances or by persons in the commission of other crimes). Of
this number, 780 victims were male, and 244 were female; 65 percent of victims were
white, 20 percent were black, 13 percent Hispanic, nine percent Asian Pacific Islander,
and six percent other or unspecified. (Researchers note that persons identified as
Hispanic may be of any race; therefore, detail may not add to total.) (Bureau of Justice
Statistics. Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 1996, p. 342. Washington, DC: U.S. Department
of Justice.)
- Victims pay about $44 billion of the $57 billion in tangible non-service expenses for
traditional crimes of violence. Employers pay almost $5 billion because of these crimes
(health insurance bills, sick leave, and disability insurance), and government bears the
remaining costs through lost tax revenues and Medicare and Medicaid payments. (U.S.
News and World Report, July 1, 1996.)
- Each year, nearly one million individuals become victims of violent crime while working
or on duty. Although men were more likely to be attacked at work by a stranger, women
were more likely to be attacked by someone they knew. (Bachman, R. (1994, July). Violence
and Theft in the Workplace. Crime Data Brief: National Crime Victimization Survey, p. 1. Washington,
DC: Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice.)
- Overall, one out of every six violent crimes experienced by U.S. residents age 12 or older
happens at work. (Ibid.)
- According to the latest Bureau of Justice Statistics annual crime survey, an estimated
eight percent of rapes, seven percent of robberies, and 16 percent of all assaults occurred
while victims were working or on duty. (Ibid.)
- In 1994, 1,071 Americans were victims of workplace homicide, (includes murders by co-workers, personal acquaintances or by persons in the commission of other crimes). Of this
number, 887 victims were male and 184 were female; 64 percent of victims were white.
(Bureau of Justice Statistics. (1995). Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, p. 364. Washington, DC:
U.S. Department of Justice.)
- Guns were the primary weapon in 86 percent of workplace homicides that took place in
1994, followed by stabbing and beating. (Ibid.)
- The U.S. Department of Labor reports that homicide was the second leading cause of
death of workers killed on the job in 1993. (Hutchinson, T. (1995, April). "Vetoing Violence in
the Workplace." Solutions Magazine, p. 41)
- One-sixth of all workplace homicides of women are committed by a spouse, ex-spouse,
boyfriend or ex-boyfriend. (Wand, J. & Toscana, G. (1994, May). Workplace Homicides in 1992.
Fatal Workplace Injuries in 1992: A Collection of Data and Analysis," p. 1. Washington, DC: Bureau
of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.)
- Boyfriends and husbands, both current and former, commit more than 13,000 acts of
violence against women in the workplace every year. (Infausta, D. (1994). "Deflecting
Workplace Violence." Personnel Journal (73) 10:66.)
New Developments in Addressing Workplace Violence
- In 1996, the U.S. Department of Labor released Guidelines for Preventing Workplace
Violence for Health Care and Social Service Workers. (See: USDOL, Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, (OSHA 3148), 1996. Or contact: OSHA Publications Office, PO Box 37535,
Washington, D.C. 20013-7535)
- In March of 1997, the National Victim Center conducted a focus group on workplace
violence under a grant from the Office for Victims of Crime. The findings from this focus
group will be released in 1998. For additional information contact the National Victim
Center at (703) 276-2880.