1997-98 Academy Text Supplement

Chapter 21-5

Restorative Justice

Federal Legislation

Guiding Principles and Values of Restorative Justice

The transition from an adversarial justice process to one that is more restorative requires significant change in both practice and principles. While there are many practical applications of restorative justice, it is important that such practices be based upon a shared set of principles and values. In a 1996 national teleconference on restorative justice sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections, participants offered seven basic principles of restorative justice upon which stakeholders can begin to evaluate existing efforts and create new approaches to justice practices:

Restorative Justice Asks These Questions

Kay Pranis, Restorative Justice Planner for the Minnesota Department of Corrections, offers nine questions that should be answered in developing restorative justice partnerships and practices:

Some Additional Considerations for Restorative Justice

As communities and institutions begin examining restorative justice as an alternative to traditional justice approaches, there are some key considerations that should be addressed:

affect the quality of life in neighborhoods, as well as in homes located near the sites at which such crimes occur. Restorative justice approaches that validate the community as hurt by crime include: