NVAA 2000 Text

Chapter 22 Supplement Special Topics

Section 6, Rural Victims

Statistical Overview

- Robberies increased by 10.7% in rural counties.

- Forcible rape increased by 9.7% in cities with populations under 10,000 and by 7.4% in rural counties.

- Motor vehicle theft increased by 4.6% in rural counties (FBI 1998b).

- 45% had consumed alcohol.

- 11% had carried a handgun.

- 29% had purposely destroyed property.

- 17% had committed assault.

- 6% had been arrested (Snyder and Sickmund 1999).

Federal Grant Programs that Address Rural Victimization

Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grants at the Office of Justice Programs improve and increase services available to rural women and children by encouraging community involvement in developing coordinated responses to domestic violence and child abuse. Grant recipients include:

The STOP (Services Training Officers Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program awards funds to states and territories to restructure and strengthen the criminal justice system's response to violence against women. For example:

Four percent of the amount budgeted each year for the STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program is awarded to Indian tribal governments. Examples include:

(The previous section has been excerpted from a report prepared by the Rural Task Force, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington DC, 1998.)

Promising Practices


The National Grange is the oldest nationwide agricultural and rural public interest organization in the United States, with over 300,000 Grange members affiliated with 3,600 local, county, and state Grange chapters. The National Grange sponsors numerous initiatives that promote victims' rights and public safety, including the following:

Policy position relevant to protection for victims and jurors.

1. We support increased protection for those who serve on juries. We oppose any publication or disclosure of jury deliberations, as they are confidential and should remain so.

2. The National Grange supports legislation to assure that victims and witnesses of violent crimes (including but not limited to murder, attempted murder, sexual assault, and assault) must be notified in writing at least 60 days before any and all hearings in which the person who has been convicted of that crime seeks release or a change in release status from either a prison or mental institution.

3. The National Grange encourages print and broadcast news media to be sensitive to the issues involving their coverage of crime and victimization, in order to better respect the privacy of crime victims.

Policy priority to enhance public safety in rural areas. Grange members, like all rural citizens, cherish being secure in their homes, free of crime and fear. However, crime is increasingly making its way into rural communities. Urban street gangs extend their influence into rural towns to recruit new members. Drug dealers use rural locations to manufacture toxic drugs to poison youth. Rural communities are inadequately prepared to recognize, prevent and address occurrences of domestic violence. The basic rights of violent crime victims in rural areas go unprotected. Rural law enforcement agencies, often under-funded and under-trained to deal with these threats and challenges, strain to provide basic public safety.

Member and community programs.

Many award winning Grange Community Service programs address victims' issues and violence preventive measures in local rural communities. Local programs that received national recognition for their commitment to improving rural communities in 1999 include:

- Starting a teen suicide and violence prevention program in Watkins Glen, New York.

- Sponsoring a Community Visions program in Midland County, Michigan, that identified the formation of gang and violence outreach partnerships as one of the top three priorities for volunteer commitment to improve the community.

- Providing volunteer and financial support to establish a battered women's shelter in Michigan City, Indiana, including creating and donating more than 200 "necessity bags" filled with basic necessity articles for women and their families who are forced to quickly leave abusive situations.

- Organizing a community drive to make more than 100 stuffed toys for donation to local and state police, fire, and EMT to help calm children who were the victims of traumatic circumstances, including domestic violence, in Beach Community, Virginia.

- Organizing volunteer and financial support for the Rural Women's Crisis Center in Nampa Valley, Idaho.

For more information about the National Grange, its programs, polices, and membership services for rural Americans, please contact: The National Grange, 1616 H St., NW, Washington, DC 20006-4999 (888-4-GRANGE) (fax: 202-347-1091) <www.

nationalgrange.org> [email protected] (e-mail).


The district attorney is on call to law enforcement 24 hours a day. When a domestic violence incident occurs, he or she stays in close contact with the police officer dispatched to the scene of the crime in order to assess the situation and insure that information on the case is taken correctly. Arrests are made under a mandatory arrest law. Following the incident, the Unit Crisis Coordinator meets with the victim to enhance the safety of the family, to interview potential witnesses, and to determine the necessity of a restraining or anti-stalking order. Office of the District Attorney, Courthouse #6, 251 B Street West, Vale, Oregon 97918 (541-473-5127).

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2000 NVAA Text
Chapter 22.6