Appendix C

Victim Statistics for 120-Day VOCA Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Grants
Totals for this Report To Congress
Victims Served by VOCA Victim Assistance Programs
(Family Members, First Responders, First Responder Family Members)
Funds Expended for Victim Assistance
Funds Expended for Victim Compensation

Number of Programs Funded With 120-Day VOCA Victim Assistance Grants
Number of Programs Funded
Total Awarded to Programs for this Report To Congress

Victim Statistics for Department of Defense Appropriations Act Counseling Grants
Totals for this Report To Congress
Victims Served by VOCA Victim Assistance Programs
Funds Expended for Victim Assistance
Funds Expended for Victim Compensation

Number of Programs Funded With Department of Defense Appropriations Act Counseling Grants
Number of Programs Funded
Total Awarded to Programs for this Report To Congress


Meeting the Needs of the Victims of the September 11th Terrorist Attacks: Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2002 Report to Congress April 2003