
Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts
Michigan | Minnesota
| Missouri | Montana
Community Mediation Center
222 St. John Street, Suite 254
Portland, ME 04102-3069
Phone: 207-772-4070
Fax: 207-874-7402
E-mail: cmc@neis.net
Contact: Ms. Anita Jones, Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1995
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-45; Adult-3
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Community/neighbor, Group conferencing,
Tenant/landlord, Mental health, Mental retardation
Program cases involve: Sexual assault
Anne Arundel Conflict Resolution Center
2666 Riva Road, Suite 130
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-266-9033
Fax: 410-573-5391
Contact: Ms. Sheila Johnson, Mediation Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-2; Adult-40
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Mediation Examines Negative Dialogue & Conflicts
(M.E.N.D. Conflicts)
P.O. Box 185
Amherst, MA 01004-0185
Phone: 413-253-4602
Fax: 413-253-4602
Contact: Mr. Glenroy B. Buchanan, Executive Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition, Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Mediation Works, Inc.
9 Park Street, Sixth Floor
Boston, MA 02108-4807
Phone: 617-973-9739 or 800-348-4888
Fax: 617-973-9532
E-mail: MWI@igc.org
Internet: www.mwi.org
Contact: Mr. Chuck Doran, Executive Director
Mediation Project
Brockton District Court
155 West Elm Street
Brockton, MA 02301-4326
Phone: 508-587-8000
Fax: 508-587-6663
Contact: Mr. Kirk O'Reilly, Director
Metropolitan Mediation Services
43 Garrison Road
Brookline, MA 02445-4498
Phone: 617-277-8107
Fax: 617-734-6385
Contact: Ms. Joan Sokoloff, Program Director
Cambridge Dispute Settlement Center, Inc.
872 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 2-9
Cambridge, MA 02139-3013
Phone: 617-876-5376
Fax: 617-876-6663
Contact: Ms. Gail Packer, Executive Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Cases referred in most recent year: Adult-22
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Pre-trial,
Show-cause hearings, Post-arraignment
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
North Central Court Services, Inc.
Fitchburg District Court
100 Elm Street
Fitchburg, MA 01420
Phone: 978-345-2111, ext. 242
Fax: 978-342-2524
E-mail: mlpersons@aol.com
Contact: Ms. Melinda Persons, Executive Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit) with an office
at a district court
Program began: 1990
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-11; Adult-23
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Other types of mediation performed: Peer, Parent/teen, Community/neighbor
Cases performed indirectly: 5 percent by audio means
Framingham Court Mediation Services
600 Concord Street
P.O. Box 828
Framingham, MA 01701
Phone: 508-872-9495
Fax: 508-872-9764
Contact: Ms. Carol Bronder, Executive Director
Type of agency: Court community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1979
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-25; Adult-65
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Other types of mediation performed: Parent/teen, Divorce/family,
Mediation & Training Collaborative
Franklin Community Action Corporation
277 Main Street, Fourth Floor
Greenfield, MA 01301-3262
Phone: 413-774-7469
Fax: 413-774-7460
E-mail: mediation@fcac.net
Contact: Ms. Betsy Williams, Case Coordinator
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1999
Cases referred in most recent year: Adult-7
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Peer, Parent/teen, Divorce/family,
Community/neighbor, Circle 1 (sentencing), Circle 2 (process), Public
Middlesex Community College Law Center
33 Kearney Square
Lowell, MA 01852
Phone: 978-656-3340
Fax: 978-656-3339
Contact: Mr. Kenneth Dunn, Executive Director
Juvenile Probation Department
Quincy District Court
1 Dennis Ryan Parkway
Quincy, MA 02169
Phone: 617-471-1650, ext. 212
Fax: 617-471-8429
E-mail: beef99@ziplink.net
Contact: Mr. Paul Keefe, Probation Officer
Type of agency: Probation
Program began: 1990
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-25
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Parent/teen
Dispute Resolution Services, Inc.
115 State Street, Suite 200
Springfield, MA 01103-2104
Phone: 413-787-6480
Fax: 413-788-9685
Contact: Mr. Leo Florian, Executive Director
Community Mediation Center
Worcester County Action Council (W.C.A.C.)
484 Main Street, Second Floor
Worcester, MA 01608-1810
Phone: 508-754-1176
Fax: 508-754-0203
Contact: Ms. Carol Balderelli, Director
Sunrise Mediation Service
2284 Diamond Point Road
Alpena, MI 49707-4608
Phone: 517-356-0586
Fax: 517-354-6939
Contact: Ms. Kara Steinke, Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Dispute Resolution Center
1100 North Main Street, Suite 217
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Phone: 734-741-0603
Fax: 734-998-0163
Contact: Ms. Vicki St. Charles, Executive Director
Resolve of Calhoun County
Community Dispute Resolution Center
P.O. Box 2126
Battle Creek, MI 49016-2126
Phone: 616-962-3119
Fax: 616-962-0534
Contact: Ms. Andrea Johnson, Interim Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-1
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-adjudication
but pre-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Citizens Mediation Service, Inc.
292 Bellview Street
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Phone: 616-925-5884 or 800-873-7658
Fax: 616-925-5514
Contact: Mr. Matthew Balfe, Director
E-mail: citizen@parrett.net
Internet: citizensmediation.org
Contact: Mr. Matthew Balfe, Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1998
Cases referred in most recent year:
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-adjudication
but pre-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Other types of mediation performed: Parent/teen, Divorce/family,
Community/ neighbor, Business and contract disputes, Consumer/merchant,
Cases performed indirectly: 10 percent
Cadillac Area Oasis/Family Resource Center
P.O. Box 955 230
East Cass Street
Cadillac, MI 49601
Phone: 213-775-7299
Fax: 213-775-4074
Contact: Ms. Michelle Morse, Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-23
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-adjudication
but pre-disposition, Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
HDC Center for Dispute Resolution
Human Development Commission
429 Montague Avenue
Caro, MI 48723-4044
Phone: 517-672-4044
Fax: 517-673-2031
E-mail: peggyg@hdc-caro.org
Contact: Ms. Peggy Groezinger, Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1998
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: All
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Peer, Parent/teen, Divorce/family,
Community/neighbor, Circle 1 (sentencing), Circle 2 (process), Group conferencing
Program cases involve: Sexual assault and sexual abuse
Victim-Offender Restitution Program
Wayne County Neighborhood Legal Services
65 Cadillac Square, Suite 300
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-962-0466, ext. 251
Fax: 313-962-6374
Contact: Mr. Parris Kenney, Mediation Center Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1995
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-61
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors Other types of mediation
performed: Parent/teen, Divorce/family, Community/neighbor/housing
Resolution Services Program
2501 14th Avenue South
P.O. Box 606
Escanaba, MI 49829-0606
Phone: 906-789-9580
Fax: 906-789-5853
Contact: Ms. Mary McCune, Program Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1994
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-5
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: All
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Parent/teen, Divorce/family,
Community/ neighbor, Circle 1 (sentencing), Circle 2 (process), Group
Community Dispute Resolution Center of Genesee County,
631 Beach Street
Flint, MI 48502
Phone: 810-232-2185
Fax: 810-768-4667
Contact: Mr. John Robertson, Director
Dispute Resolution Center of Western Michigan
701 Fourth Street NW.
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Phone: 616-774-0121
Fax: 616-774-0323
Contact: Ms. Deb Zondervan, Executive Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-5; Adult-10
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Center for Dispute Resolution
Chamber of Commerce Building
272 East Eighth Street
Holland, MI 49423-3527
Phone: 616-494-3800
Fax: 616-494-3802
Contact: Mr. Jim Chance, Executive Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Family, Community/neighbor
Victim-Offender Reconciliation Program
Center for Dispute Resolution
13565 Port Sheldon Road
Holland, MI 49424
Phone: 616-399-6940, ext. 318
Fax: 616-399-8263
Contact: Ms. Katie Keenan, Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-24
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Superior Resolution Service
Michigan State University Extension
P.O. Box 717
Houghton, MI 49931
Phone: 906-482-4524
Fax: 906-482-1385
Contact: Ms. Barb Koski, Director
Livingston Community Dispute Resolution Services
P.O. Box 138
Howell, MI 48843
Phone: 517-546-6007
Fax: 517-546-4115
Contact: Ms. Mary Lytle, Director
Western Upper Peninsula Mediators
115 East Ayer Street
Ironwood, MI 49938
Phone: 906-932-0010
Fax: 906-932-0230
Contact: Mr. Norman E. Kangas, Executive Director
Type of agency: Community dispute resolution
Program began: 1990
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-15; Adult-61
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: All
Other types of mediation performed: Peer, Parent/teen, Divorce/family,
Community/neighbor, Group conferencing, Child placement permanency planning
Program cases involve: Sexual assault
Cases performed indirectly: 15 percent by letter or audio means
Southeastern Dispute Resolution Services
Community Action Agency
1214 Greenwood Avenue
P.O. Drawer 1107
Jackson, MI 49204
Phone: 517-784-4800
Fax: 517-784-5188
Contact: Mr. Ron Brooks, Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1995
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-2
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Other types of mediation performed: Peer, Parent/teen, Divorce/family,
Dispute Resolution Center of Central Michigan
1609 East Kalamazoo Street, Suite 9
Lansing, MI 48912-2700
Phone: 800-873-7658 or 517-485-2274
Fax: 517-485-1183
E-mail: crccmi710@aol.com
Contact: Ms. Anne Smiley, Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-2
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-adjudication
pre-disposition, Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Marquette-Alger Resolution Service
200 West Spring Street
Marquette, MI 49855
Phone: 906-226-4372
Fax: 906-226-4369
Contact: Ms. Linda Rossberg, Executive Director
Type of agency: Community dispute center
Program began: 1999
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: All
Other types of mediation performed: Peer, Parent/teen, Divorce/family,
Cases performed indirectly: 2 percent by phone
Resolution Center
18 Market Street
Mount Clemons, MI 48043
Phone: 810-469-4714
Fax: 810-469-0078
Contact: Mr. Rick Troy, Executive Director
Isabella County Trial Court Victim-Offender
Reconciliation Program
200 North Main Street
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858
Phone: 517-772-0911, ext. 279
Fax: 517-773-2419
Contact: Ms. Kim Stegman, Director
Type of agency: Probation
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-26
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Juvenile Court Program
Westshore Dispute Resolution Center, Inc.
1218 Jefferson Street
Muskegon, MI 49441-2025
Phone: 616-727-6001
Fax: 616-727-6011
Contact: Ms. Sally Funkhouser, Case Developer
Type of agency: Mediation
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Victim-Offender Reconciliation Program of Charlevoix and Emmet Counties
912 Lindell Avenue
Petoskey, MI 49770
Phone: 616-348-3406
Contact: Mr. Bill Shumaker, Director
Type of agency: Probation
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-208
Point(s) in justice process at which
mediation occurs: Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Mid-Michigan Dispute Resolution Center
116 South Michigan Avenue
Saginaw, MI 48602-2018
Phone: 517-752-2151
Fax: 517-752-8340
Contact: Ms. Mary Doyle, Case Supervisor
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-27
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-adjudication
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Conflict Resolution Service
1022 East Front Street
P.O. Box 1035
Traverse City, MI 49685-1035
Phone: 616-941-5835
Fax: 616-941-5786
Contact: Ms. Sue Ellen Jensen, Coordinator
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-1
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Anoka Police Department
2015 First Avenue North
Anoka, MN 55303
Phone: 612-421-6632
Fax: 612-422-2092
Contact: Sgt. H. Allen Campbell, Juvenile Unit Commander
Type of agency: Police
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-25
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Dakota County Community Corrections
Western Service Center
14955 Galaxie Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124
Phone: 612-891-7206
Fax: 612-891-7282
Contact: Ms. Stephanie Haider, Probation Officer
Type of agency: Probation
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-103; Adult-2
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Ninth Judicial District Mediation Program
Department of Corrections
P.O. Box 397
Bemidji, MN 56619
Phone: 218-755-4034
Fax: 218-755-4186
Contact: Ms. Sarah Lewandowski, Corrections Agent
Type of agency: Probation
Program began: 1993
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-8; Adult-6
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition, Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Cases performed indirectly: 5 percent by letter
North Hennepin Mediation Program, Inc.
3300 County Road 10, Suite 212
Brooklyn Center, MN 55429
Phone: 612-561-0033
Fax: 612-561-0266
E-mail: nhmp@pclink.com
Contact: Ms. Bonnie Lukes, Executive Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-70; Adult-140
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: All
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Peer, Parent/teen, Post-divorce/family,
Cases performed indirectly: 15 percent by audio means
Houston County Mediation and Victim Services
Houston County Courthouse, Room 210
304 South Marshall Street
Caledonia, MN 55921
Phone: 507-724-5831
Fax: 507-724-5550
E-mail: hcvicsrv@means.net
Contact: Ms. Michelle Herman, Director
Type of agency: Victim services
Program began: 1994
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Group conferencing
Victim-Offender Mediation Program
Mediation Services for Anoka County
2520 Coon Rapids Boulevard, Suite 100
Coon Rapids, MN 55433-3908
Phone: 612-422-8878 or 612-755-6905
Fax: 612-422-0808
Contact: Ms. Rose Belille, Program Manager
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1992
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-147
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition, Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Parent/teen, Divorce/family,
Cases performed indirectly: 5 percent by phone
Victim-Offender Dialogue FGC
Peaceful Solutions
4B East Drive
Fergus Falls, MN 56537-4100
Phone: 218-739-4340
Fax: 218-736-2772
E-mail: peacefulsolutionsltd@netscape.net
Contact: Ms. Debra Ferguson, Program Coordinator
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1995
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-40
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-adjudication
pre-disposition, Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Peer, Parent/teen, Divorce/family,
Community/neighbor, Group conferencing
Cases performed indirectly: 5 percent by video or community panel
Cooperative Solutions, Inc.
Grand Rapids Mediation Center
3 NW. Fifth Street
P.O. Box 146
Grand Rapids, MN 55744-0146
Phone: 218-327-4908
Fax: 218-327-9215
E-mail: coopsolu@uslink.net
Contact: Ms. Cynthia Mellin, Program Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1995
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-6; Adult-60+
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: All
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Peer, Parent/teen, Divorce/family,
Community/neighbor, Circle 2 (process), Group conferencing
West Suburban Mediation Center
15 Tenth Avenue South, Suite 100
Hopkins, MN 55343-9477
Phone: 612-933-0005
Fax: 612-933-6046
E-mail: wsmc@juno.com
Contact: Ms. Cheri Fischer, Executive Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1982
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-55
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Parent/teen, Family, Community/neighbor
State Probation
Meeker County Courthouse
325 North Sibley Street
Litchfield, MN 55355-2155
Phone: 320-693-5260
Contact: Mr. Kurt Hoehne, Probation Officer
Type of agency: Probation
Cases referred in most recent year: Adult-5
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Felonies
Family Conferencing
Hennepin County Bureau of Community Corrections
822 South Third Street, Suite B5
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612-348-3470
Fax: 612-348-4790
E-mail: jill.stricker@co.hennepin.mn.us
Contact: Ms. Jill Stricker, Director
Type of agency: Probation
Program began: 1997
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-200; Adult-1
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: All
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Other types of mediation performed: Community/neighbor, Group conferencing
Cases performed indirectly: 2 percent by letter
Minneapolis Mediation Program
1300 Nicollet Avenue, Suite 3046
Minneapolis, MN 55403-2699
Phone: 612-841-0638
Fax: 612-359-9906
E-mail: mplsmediation@cs.com
Contact: Mr. Lee Woolery, Executive Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1996
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-56; Adult-6
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion
for juveniles, Pre-disposition property crimes for uncharged adults
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Other types of mediation performed: Divorce/family, Community/neighbor,
Landlord/tenant, Business/employment, Civilian review (police/citizen),
Public housing
Cases performed indirectly: 10 percent by audio and room shuttle
Victim & Mediation Services
Minnesota Citizen's Council
822 South Third Street, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55415-1266
Phone: 612-348-7874
Fax: 612-348-7872
Contact: Mr. Mike Stewart, Coordinator
Type of agency: Victim services
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-15
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition, Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Juvenile Victim-Offender Conferencing Program
Hennepin County Home School
14300 County Highway 62
Minnetonka, MN 55345-6759
Phone: 612-949-4500
Fax: 612-949-4510
Contact: Ms. Kristine Martin-Bjerkness, Juvenile Correctional Unit
Type of agency: Correctional facility
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-7
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-disposition
(inhouse cases only)
Type(s) of referrals: Felonies
Restorative Justice Program
Oakdale Police Department
1584 Hadley Avenue North
Oakdale, MN 55128-5409
Phone: 651-738-1022
Fax: 651-730-2828
Contact: Ms. Katie Swedenburg, Juvenile Diversion Coordinator
Type of agency: Police
Program began: 1997
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-39
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Parent/teen, Community/neighbor
Cases performed indirectly: Unknown percentage by letter
Victim-Offender Interactive Conferencing
Dodge Fillmore Olmsted County Community Corrections Government Center
151 Fourth Street SE., Fourth Floor
Rochester, MN 55904-3710
Phone: 507-287-2164
Fax: 507-287-2673
E-mail: Ryan.Cindy@co.olmsted.mn.us
Contact: Mrs. Cindy Ryan, Coordinator
Type of agency: Probation
Program began: 1986
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-45; Adult-15
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Group conferencing
Juvenile Diversion Mediation Program
St. Paul Youth Services
1167 Arcade Street
St. Paul, MN 55106
Phone: 651-771-1301
Fax: 651-771-2542
E-mail: dsilverstein@spys.org
Contact: Ms. Debbie Silverstein, Program Manager
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1997
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-60
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors
Other types of mediation performed: Peer, Parent/teen, School mediations
Cases performed indirectly: 15 percent by letter
Project Remand
50 West Kellogg Boulevard, Suite 510A
St. Paul, MN 55102-1657
Phone: 651-298-4932
Contact: Ms. Mary Pat Maher, Executive Director
Community Justice Program
Washington County
14949 62d Street, Fifth Floor
P.O. Box 6
Stillwater, MN 55082-0006
Phone: 651-430-6948
Fax: 651-430-6947
E-mail: wacovoc@igc.apc.org
Contact: Ms. Carolyn McLeod, Coordinator
Type of agency: Probation
Program began: 1995
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-175; Adult-25
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Parent/teen, Community/neighbor
Program cases involve: Sexual assault and sexual abuse
Cases performed indirectly: 50 percent by mediator shuttle diplomacy
Todd-Wadena Victim-Offender Dialog Program
Wadena County Courthouse, Room 115
Wadena, MN 56482
Phone: 218-631-4773
Fax: 218-631-2103
Contact: Mr. Kevin Lomiller, Coordinator
Kandiyohi County
1900 Highway 294 NE., Suite 2060
Willmar, MN 56201-9420
Phone: 320-231-7072
Fax: 320-231-6292
E-mail: katherine_s@co.kandiyohi.mn.us
Contact: Ms. Katherine Strand, Victim Services Coordinator
Type of agency: Probation
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-70; Adult-25
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Restorative Justice Program
Woodbury Police Department
2100 Radio Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125
Phone: 651-739-4141
Fax: 651-714-3708
E-mail: dhines@cl.woodbury.mn.us
Contact: Mr. David Hines, Coordinator
Type of agency: Police
Progam Began: 1995
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-100; Adult-10
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Community/neighbor, Circle
1 (sentencing), Circle 2 (process), Group conferencing, Workplace
Program cases involve: Sexual assault
Victim-Offender Dialogue
Family Court of St. Louis County
501 South Brentwood Boulevard
Clayton, MO 63105-2522
Phone: 314-962-6866, ext. 17
Fax: 314-961-6102
Contact: Ms. Barbara Ann Hughes, Community Service Coordinator
Type of agency: Family court
Program began: 1998
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-30
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: All
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Other types of mediation performed: Divorce/family
Cases performed indirectly: 99 percent by third party
Community Mediation Service
University of Missouri Law School
206 Hulston Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-882-2052
Fax: 573-882-3343
Contact: Mr. Leonard Riskin, Executive Director
RESPECT Restorative Justice Project
Northland Community Conciliation Center, Inc.
9 Victory Drive, Suite 202
P.O. Box 67
Liberty, MO 64069-0067
Phone: 816-415-0005
Fax: 816-415-8904
Contact: Ms. Kathleen Carriker, Program Director
E-mail: khlbird@aol.com
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition, Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Montana Conservation Corps/Corps LINK
1404 Gold Avenue, #3
Bozeman, MT 59715
Phone: 406-587-4475
Fax: 406-587-2606
Contact: Mr. Lee Gault, Program Director
Type of agency: Private community-based (nonprofit)
Program began: 1995
Cases referred in most recent year: Juvenile-25
Point(s) in justice process at which mediation occurs: Diversion,
Post-adjudication but pre-disposition, Post-disposition
Type(s) of referrals: Misdemeanors and felonies
Directory of Victim-Offender
Mediation Programs in the United States |
April 2000 |