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Few individuals could have predicted how technology would support the present-day victims' movement. For example, OVC uses its Web site and other electronic information dissemination vehicles to provide quick and easy access to online publications, funding resources, services, promising program strategies, and training resources. Information-sharing among victim service agencies at the state and local level is critical for providing a seamless network of victim services. Automated notification systems are an effective and proven method of informing victims about the status of their cases and the subsequent release of perpetrators. In addition to these uses of technology, the Crime Victims Fund supports initiatives that promote the use of technology in delivering training and technical assistance and in processing compensation claims for victims of international terrorism. To further the use of technology, OVC funds various initiatives to promote cooperation among service providers.

See the box at the right for detailed information about OVC's initiatives in this area.


OVC recognizes the vital importance of keeping the victims' field abreast of new programs and information. Through the Internet and other innovative technologies, OVC continues to give victims other avenues by which to access resources and services. We hope these enterprising technologies will help victims get the information they need in a timely manner, which in turn will result in better and more complete victim services.

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Topic-Specific OVC Initiatives

OVC neither endorses, has any responsibility for, nor exercises any control over the organizations' views or the accuracy of the information contained in those pages outside of OVC’s Web site.

VS2000 System Information Technology Project

Forensic Telemedicine Training and Equipment for Indian Health Service Units

Online Directory of Crime Victim Services

OVC Web Forum

OVC Web Site

Nationwide Automated Victim Information and Notification System

OVC Training and Technical Assistance Information System

International Terrorism Victim Compensation Program Software