Training Manual
Trainer's Guide

The Trainer's Guide is just that - a guide for replicating this training. This training program has been designed to provide victim assistance professionals with a base of knowledge from which they can educate their staff, volunteers and colleagues about the HIV/AIDS issue. Due to the complex nature of the medical aspects of this disease, victim assistance professionals are encouraged to attend a basic HIV/AIDS course in their community to expand their understanding of the medical aspects of the disease. Even with additional training, victim assistance professionals may want to consider inviting a local HIV/AIDS expert to teach Chapter II of the training program.

The guide created for each chapter includes: the suggested length of time for each module; the intended learning objectives; suggested training approaches; and the materials needed for each exercise, including optional pre-made overhead transparencies. The training program is designed to involve the audience as frequently as possible to avoid a lecture only format. Several of the exercises include recommendations to shorten the exercise if time is limited. Trainer's are encouraged not to drop the exercises for more time to lecture, instead consider holding the training over several days or weeks.

The first cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) were diagnosed in Los Angeles, California, in 1981. It is estimated that in the first ten years of the pandemic, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of AIDS, claimed more American lives than the Korean and Vietnam wars combined. This pandemic has struck fear in most Americans. In the beginning, people believed that AIDS was the "gay" disease; over time, we have learned that everyone is at risk. The disease has broken through to the heterosexual population with women and adolescents - now the fastest growing groups to be infected. Fear of the disease, and the stigma attached to it, presents great challenges to the American public.


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