In 1999, OVC published a series of five videos titled Through My Eyes: Responding to Child Victims and Witnesses. This series consisted of a public awareness video, three videos directed to specific audiences (law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges), and one video encouraging child-serving professionals from different disciplines to coordinate their efforts. These videos are still in use today.
However, much has changed since these videos were produced. New types of victimization have emerged, multidisciplinary investigation teams are active in communities across the country, forensic interviewing is standard practice, and collaborations have extended their reach beyond investigation and prosecution to include prevention and treatment.
At the same time, important research has emerged. We know now that 60 percent of children are exposed to violence or abuse in their homes, schools, or communities, and that many of these children suffer multiple forms of abuse or violence. We also know that many of these children experience serious, sometimes lifelong, adverse consequences as a result. But we also know ways to help children heal and thrive.
OVC is pleased to release a new video series titled Through Our Eyes: Children, Violence, and Trauma. Like its predecessor, this series includes a public awareness video. It also includes three topic-specific videos—Treatments That Work, The Child Advocacy Center Model, and Community-Based Approaches—and more are forthcoming.
Together, these videos—along with the online resource guideāreinforce four key messages:
We hope that this new video series, along with the online resource guide, will continue to support child-serving professionals in their efforts to make homes, schools, and communities safer for children everywhere.
Joye E. Frost
Office for Victims of Crime