National Crime Victim's Rights Week - Resource Guide


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In 1995, 17,274 people were killed in the United States as a result of alcohol-related traffic crashes. This figure represents 41.3 percent of the total number of traffic fatalities (41,798) which occurred in 1995. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1996, Fatal Accident Reporting System, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C.)

It is estimated that 1,058,990 people were injured in alcohol-related crashes in 1995. On an average, one person is injured as a result of alcohol impaired driving every 30 seconds. (Ibid.)

The following states or territories had traffic fatalities in which 50 percent or more of all traffic fatalities were alcohol-related: Alaska, District of Columbia, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, North Dakota, and Texas. (Ibid.)

In 1995, 8,153 youths under the age of 21 lost their lives in fatal traffic crashes. Of this number, 20 percent or -- 1,633 traffic fatalities -- were directly related to alcohol impaired drivers. (Ibid.)

About two in every five Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash at some time in their lives. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1995, Fatal Accident Reporting System, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C.)

The highest number of traffic fatalities to occur in 1995 on a "single" day holiday was on Saint Patrick's Day, (68.1 percent). (Ibid.)

Drunk driving is the nation's most frequently committed violent crime. ("Summary of Statistics: The Impaired Driving Problem", 1996. Mothers Against Drunk Driving National Office. Irving, TX)

Direct costs of alcohol-related crashes are estimated at $45 billion yearly. It is also estimated that an additional $70.5 billion is lost in quality of life due to alcohol-related crashes. (Miller Ted. R. And Lawrence J. Blincoe, 1994, "Incidence and Cost of Alcohol-involved Crashes," pp. 583-591, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol 26, Number 5.)

Every weekday night from 10 p.m. to

1 a.m., one in 13 drivers is drunk (BAC of .08 or more). Between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m., on weekend mornings, one in seven drivers is drunk. (Ibid, Miller et al., 1996 update)

Traffic crashes are the greatest single cause of death for every age from six through 28. Almost half of these crashes are alcohol-related. (Ibid.)

Note: OVC makes no representation concerning the accuracy of data from non-Department of Justice sources

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