National Crime Victim's Rights Week - Resource Guide


Tips for Using the 1997 NCVRW Resource Guide
Ten Tips for Public Awareness and Community Outreach
Sample Proclamation
Sample Public Service Announcements
Sample Press Release
Sample Opinion/Editorial Column
Sample Speech
Notable Quotables
Victims' Rights Constitutional Amendments
Accessing Information: OVC Resource Center and Other Services
Resources on Crime and Victimization from OVC Resource Center

Additional Documents and Resources for Reproduction:
Sample Certificate of Appreciation
Statistical Overviews
Child Abuse and Victimization
Cost of Crime
Crime and Education
Crime and Victimization
Domestic Violence
Drunk Driving
Economic Crime
Elder Abuse and Neglect
Hate and Bias Crime
Juvenile Crime and Victimization
Rape and Sexual Assault
Substance Abuse and Crime
Workplace Violence and Crime
Crime Victims' Rights in America: An Historical Overview
Resource Guide Evaluation
Camera-ready Artwork
NCVRW Letterhead
Cover/Title Page
National Toll-free Information and Referral Telephone Numbers

Victims' Assistance Legal Organization, Inc.
P.O. Box 862, McLean, Virginia 22101-0862
Telephone (703) 538-6898
Fax (703) 538-6899
Frank G. Carrington, Esq.

Eric Smit, Esq.
Victim Services Center

William J. Olson, Esq.
Former Chairman of the Board
Legal Services Corporation

Jane Nady Burnley, Ph.D.
Former Director
Office of Victims of Crime
U.S. Department of Justice

Mary Carrington
Mrs. Frank Carrington

The Honorable Edwin Meese, III
Former U.S. Attorney General

J.A. Parker
The Lincoln INstitute

February 18, 1997

Dear Colleague:

Commemoration of National Crime Victims' Rights Week will be observed this spring with a new momentum and force. Media attention on the impact of crime on victims and the crime victims' rights movement has never been so widespread. As of last fall, more than half of the states have enacted Constitutional Amendments to protect the rights of crime victims, and a federal constitutional amendment to chisel basic rights for crime victims into the granite of the criminal justice system was introduced in the Congress last summer with strong bi-partisan support. The progress of the crime victims' rights movement in recent years is unprecedented. Thousands of laws have been passed and thousands of crime victim service programs have become established, including one city constructing the nation's first crime victim center. However, despite the progress, many victims continue to suffer needlessly, and there is so much more to be done,

During the week of April 13 - 19, 1997, we have the opportunity to pay tribute to innocent victims of crime and violence and to recognize the many advocates and allied professionals who provide much needed assistance and support. The theme for 1997 National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) is Let Victims' Rights Ring Across America. As we commemorate National Crime Victims' Rights Week this year, let us renew our commitment to ensuring that fair treatment and comprehensive services will ring for all victims.

VALOR, the Victims' Assistance Legal Organization, Inc., is pleased to have the opportunity to produce the 1997 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide with the support of the U.S. Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime. This Resource Guide contains a variety of materials that will assist you in planning your community and statewide activities to commemorate NCVRW. To produce this Guide, VALOR tapped the outstanding talents of consultants Anne Seymour, Christine Edmunds, Ellen Alexander, and Jann Taylor. For their assistance, we are very grateful.

This year, the devastating impact of crime will be felt by nearly forty million people in America. We hope that your National Crime Victims' Rights Week activities will bring new attention and mobilize resources to assist victims throughout the year. Thank you for your dedication on behalf of America's crime victims.


Eric Smith
Jane Nady Burnley, Ph.D.
Executive Director