International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program Report to Congress February 2006

Document Summary
Victims of acts of international terrorism occurring outside the United States often face unique obstacles in securing assistance, expense reimbursement, emergency transportation and short-term lodging, and appropriate medical and mental health care. Congress authorized the International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program (ITVERP) to ensure that victims of international terrorism may receive reimbursement for their expenses associated with that Act. This OVC Report to Congress (NCJ 210645) outlines the challenges and obstacles faced in developing ITVERP, details the groundwork laid thus far, and discusses the emergency assistance provided to victims in the interim while program regulations are being finalized.


(Part 1 PDF 343 kb)

Executive Summary

Support for Crime Victims

U.S. Victims of International Terrorism Abroad: Challenges and Obstacles

VOCA Authority and Funding for ITVERP

(Part 2 PDF 222 kb)

Program Implementation Efforts



     Appendix A: Antiterrorism Emergency Reserve
     Appendix B: ITVERP Program Chronology

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