Victims’ Rights Pocket Card
Hand out this card to promote greater awareness of victims’ rights. In Spanish with English translation.
Sexual Harassment Handout
Disseminate this handout to promote greater awareness of sexual harassment and victims’ rights. In Spanish with English translation.
Fact Sheets
Give these fact sheets to victim advocates to alert them to the unique issues that Latina victims of sexual violence face and to Spanish-speaking women to refute myths about sexual violence, describe emotional reactions to sexual violence, and explain what happens during the medical exam. One fact sheet in Spanish with English translation; one fact sheet in English.
Public Service Announcement Scripts
Record PSAs using these scripts to promote greater awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace and of intimate partner sexual violence. In Spanish with English translations.
Answering Machine Scripts
Record outgoing messages in Spanish using these answering machine scripts customized for rape crisis centers and state sexual assault coalitions. In Spanish with English translations.