Victims’ Rights Pocket Card: English Translation
If you have been a victim of sexual assault, you have RIGHTS.
If you, recently or in the past, have been forced to have sexual relations against your will;
If your husband or partner forced you into unwanted sexual acts;
If anyone took sexual advantage of you while you were drugged, drunk, or unconscious;
. . . You have been a victim of sexual assault.
All sexual assault victims have the right to receive free and confidential help in their language of choice. Any government-funded rape crisis centers or programs that offer help to victims are required to offer their services to anyone, regardless of nationality, race, financial means, or residency status.
Although different rape crisis centers may offer varying degrees of services in Spanish, all victims generally have the right to receive the following free and confidential services:
- A telephone and/or crisis line available 24/7.
- Accompaniment to the hospital, police department, or court to provide emotional support and information.
- Short- or long-term therapy/counseling for individuals and groups.
- Legal advocacy.
If you are a victim of sexual assault, you have the right to request the services of an interpreter.
Even if you decide not to report the crime to the police or to use the services of a rape crisis center, it is very important to preserve the evidence by seeking medical attention. A medical exam can help you prevent sexually transmitted diseases or an unwanted pregnancy.
Find someone you can trust so you can talk safely. It’s very important to be able to vent without feeling guilty or being judged.
If you have any doubts or questions regarding victim services or you want to know what to do next, call any of the following hotlines:
- RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) connects you to your local rape crisis center: 1–800–656–HOPE (4673).
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1–800–799–SAFE (7233).
- National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline: 1–888–373–7888.
- Local Assistance: _______________________________