Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

Awards List

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Each year, OVC awards formula and discretionary grants to enhance the delivery of crime victim services throughout the Nation.

You may browse the table below and use filter options to view awards by award status, State, fiscal year, awardee name, city or perform a keyword search. 

Click on the Title for more details about the award and click on the Original Solicitation title to view the funding opportunity.


State denotes the state of the organization that received the funding. States Served indicates the state in which services provided. If an organization focuses their attention to a specific community in that state, the service area is identified as the Geographical Areas Served.

Número de premios: 4,885
Monto Total Otorgado: $22,567,925,395

Funded Awards
AF Ordenar ascendente Título Solicitud original Recipiente Estado Estado servido Áreas Geográficas Servidas Monto
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Dept. of Corrections State of North Dakota ND $185,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GOVERNMENT DC $2,554,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation JUSTICE, MONTANA DEPT OF MT $479,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation LABOR & INDUSTRIES WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT WA $3,147,750
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation LAW & PUBLIC SAFETY, NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF NJ $2,554,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation LEGISLATIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA WV $570,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation LOUISIANA, STATE OF LA $247,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Maryland Department of Public Safety And Correctional Services MD $1,472,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation NEBRASKA COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE NE $180,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Nevada Dept of Administration NV $691,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY NC $2,006,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET KY $174,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation PUBLIC SAFETY, HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF HI $64,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation PUBLIC SAFETY, MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF MN $967,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PR $85,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation RI STATE TREASURER OFFICE RI $542,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation SC Office of Victim Assistance SC $1,379,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation SOCIAL SERVICES, SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF SD $81,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation STATE OF UTAH - UTAH OFFICE FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME UT $2,664,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation VERMONT CENTER FOR CRIME VICTIMS VT $119,000
2017 OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Compensation VIRGINIA WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMISSION VA $1,991,000
2017 OVC FY 2017 Developing Future Victim Specialist for Indian Country OVC FY 17 Developing Future Victim Specialists for Indian Country FIRST NATIONS WOMEN'S ALLIANCE ND $439,038
2017 OVC FY 2017 Vision 21: Building State Technology Capacity—Victim Compensation OVC FY 17 Vision 21: Building State Technology Capacity - Victim Compensation SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY SD $155,522
2017 OVC FY 2017 VOCA Victim Assistance Formula OVC FY 17 VOCA Victim Assistance ATTORNEY GENERAL HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF TH HI $8,450,536