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Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program applications are accepted only from the jurisdiction in which the crime occurred unless a compelling justification can be provided to the OVC Director that supports requests from other jurisdictions or a statute establishes a special authorization and appropriation for allocations to be made to other jurisdictions.
Due to the challenging nature of supporting non-Department of Justice (DOJ) conferences while complying with the mandatory DOJ conference guidelines and pre-approval process, OVC has suspended the national and state conference support programs. If you have any questions, please contact OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center at 1-866-682-8822 or [email protected].
To check on the status of your scholarship application, contact the OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center at 1-866-682-8822 or [email protected].
Individuals typically designated as mandatory reporters of child abuse, including child sexual abuse/exploitation, have frequent contact with children and may include health care workers, school personnel, child care providers, social workers, law enforcement officers, and mental health professionals.
The Community Relations Service (CRS) is the U.S. Department of Justice's "peacemaker" for community conflicts and tensions arising from differences of race, color, and national origin.
Created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, CRS is the only Federal agency dedicated to assist State and local units of government, private and public organizations, and community groups with preventing and resolving racial and ethnic tensions, incidents, and civil disorders, and in restoring racial stability and harmony.
CRS facilitates the development of viable, mutual understandings and agreements as alternatives to coercion, violence, or litigation. It also assists communities in developing local mechanisms, conducting training, and other proactive measures to prevent or reduce racial/ethnic tension.
Data about pedestrians killed or injured in crashes involving alcohol can be found in the annual Overview: Traffic Safety Fact Sheet, which can be accessed on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA) site.