Developing Your Campaign: Partnerships & Strategies
Collaboration is an integral part of the crime victims' rights movement. Strong partnerships among victim service providers and criminal justice and allied professionals provide rich opportunities for raising awareness and educating communities.
Use the following resources to help organize events, issue proclamations, draft presentations, create partnerships, and plan activities that honor victims in your community.
Developing Your Campaign (2 mb)
⋆ Sample Proclamation (240 kb) / En Español (422 kb)
⋆ Notable Quotables (236 kb) / En Español (416 kb)
⋆ Presentation Tips (1 mb)
⋆ Sample PowerPoint Template (1 mb) / En Español (1 mb)
⋆ Extend Your Reach Through Partnerships (813 kb)
⋆ Ideas for NCVRW Special Events (1 mb)
⋆ Theme Video in Action (239 kb)
⋆ Commemorative Calendar (592 kb)