Coordinating Victim Services
Role of the Office of Overseas Citizens Services
As an intermediary between U.S.-based victim service providers and embassies and consulates abroad, the Office of Overseas Citizens Services has extensive experience and capacity in both the victim services field and embassy operations worldwide.
The Office of Overseas Citizens Services—
- Acts as a liaison with embassies and consulates to expedite requests for information or assistance.
- Promotes understanding of victims' needs and the impact of victimization.
- Identifies ways that embassies or consulates can provide support for victim assistance.
- Receives requests for information and assistance and formulates them in ways that embassies or consulates can use to take action.
- Helps define expectations for victim assistance based on country-specific variables.
U.S. Department of State
International Travel Information
(Consular information sheets, public announcements, travel warnings)