If the Victim Remains Abroad
When a U.S. citizen is a victim of crime overseas, domestic victim service providers should consider the following:
- Victim needs can vary dramatically based on the country and its culture, systems, and resources.
- Victim advocacy at all stages, from victimization through recovery, may not be institutionalized in the country in which the crime occurred.
- Obtaining information on behalf of victims will be more challenging than in U.S. cases.
- Gaining access to police or court records may be particularly difficult.
In addition, where a crime should be reported can vary from location to location. In some countries, for a variety of reasons, it is not recommended that a victim report a crime to the local police. Embassies and consulates have people onsite who are familiar with local conditions, and victims should be advised to report crimes to a consular officer who can help them follow a prudent approach to reporting or taking other action.