Coordinating Victim Services
Establishing Relationships for Victim Assistance
By collaborating and coordinating services early with the Office of Overseas Citizens Services, domestic advocates for U.S. citizens victimized overseas can enhance the quality, appropriateness, and timeliness of services.
During the initial contact with the Office of Overseas Citizens Services, U.S.-based victim service providers should have the following details available to help the agency's victim assistance specialists assess information and services that will be valuable to both the victim service provider and victim:
- Victim name and contact information.
- Victim date and place of birth.
- Current location of the victim (United States versus overseas).
- Date crime occurred (at least approximately).
- Whether the victim reported the crime to the police.
- Whether the victim reported the crime to the embassy or consulate in the country where the crime took place.
- Whether the U.S.-based service provider is the first assistance provider contacted by the victim, or if steps toward assistance are already underway.
Domestic victim service providers should not hesitate to contact the Office of Overseas Citizens Services if they do not have all this information at the time of the call.
U.S. Department of State
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Office of Overseas Citizens Services
888-407-4747 (8 a.m.–8 p.m. e.t.)
202-647-5225 (all other times)
www.travel.state.gov/travel/tips/emergencies/victims_crime_overseas/ victims_crime_overseas_1748.html