Publication Date: April 2008

If the Victim Remains Abroad
Medical Care
In the aftermath of a crime abroad, victims might not obtain all the medical care they require. To help ensure the victim receives adequate medical evaluation and health care, victim service providers can do the following:
- Contact the nearest embassy or consulate for assistance in obtaining and coordinating prompt and appropriate medical care. In an emergency, the duty officer or consular officer at post can provide immediate support.
- Help assess the care the victim already has received and contact appropriate facilities or health professionals who can treat the victim's continuing medical needs.
- Contact the victim's insurance provider to determine eligibility for coverage of medical expenses.
- Determine whether forensic examinations are carried out routinely in the country and who typically performs them, because forensic exams can be especially traumatic for victims of sexual assault in foreign countries.
- Talk with the victim about how he or she is feeling and make sure all medical issues and concerns stemming from the crime are addressed.
- With the victim's consent, contact medical professionals who might provide ongoing care.