Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

Performance Measures

When are performance reports due?
© iStock/Ivan-balvan (ver política de reutilización).

When are performance reports due?

Final Progress Reports and Quarterly Financial Status Reports are due in JustGrants within 120 days of the grant end date.

Victim Assistance and Compensation Formula Grants

Victim Assistance and Compensation Formula Grants Performance Measures Dates

Human Trafficking and Transforming Victim Services Discretionary Grant Programs

Grantees must submit performance measure data in the PMT every reporting period, even if there was no grant activity. On a semiannual basis (i.e., during the January and July reporting periods), grantees must generate a semiannual PDF report in the PMT and upload the report to the Justice Grants system (JustGrants). Additionally, grantees are expected to respond to semiannual narrative questions that are available in JustGrants.

Chart showing deadlines for grantee performance measures reporting

Interagency Agreements

Interagency Agreements Performance Measures Dates

Next: How can grantees find support and resources?