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VOCA Victim Assistance Data Dashboard

Data Analyses for Fiscal Years 2021–2023
© iStock/Ivan-balvan (see reuse policy).

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Data Dashboards provide an overview of key performance measure data collected by OVC from the VOCA State Administrating Agencies (SAA’s) for both the Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation grant programs. 

Victim Assistance performance measures collect data on the number of victims served, victim demographics, types of victimization, and services provided. Victim Assistance grantees and subgrantees report this data on activities supported with VOCA grants plus match funding. Victim Assistance grantees are also required to submit a Subgrant Award Report (SAR) for every subgrantee within 90 days after the subaward’s start date. The SAR captures the subgrantee name, type of organization, service area, subaward amount, period of performance, and purpose.

OVC utilizes this data from SAA’s to respond to data requests from other government offices, the legislature, media groups, and other stakeholders. In the hopes of further transparency and advancement in the field, OVC has made this data even more accessible through the below dynamic dashboards. Please see past static Performance Reports and the annual OVC VOCA Support to States reports page for further detailed information.

Please see data considerations for the VOCA Data Dashboards.