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Training & Technical Assistance



OVC facilitates training through the OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC), grantees, and cooperative agreements with partner organizations, to assist the field in building its collective capacity to serve crime victims. Learn more about how your organization can build its capacity to serve crime victims below.


OVC TTAC provides comprehensive training, technical assistance, and other support to assist the field in building its collective capacity to serve crime victims.

OVC TTAC continues to expand OVC’s outreach through in-person and Web-based trainings. This requires ongoing capacity building to better serve victims and address the enduring and emerging issues in the field.

  • The National Victim Assistance Academy (NVAA) uses a blended learning approach to provide an intensive, interactive learning experience for professionals and volunteers who assist victims and survivors of crime. Its programs include the Advanced Skills Institute, Leadership Institute, and Effective Management Series.
  • A variety of webinars and other online trainings, including Victim Assistance Training Online, are available to complete at your convenience.
  • Instructor materials are available for presenters who are providing training in specialized topic areas.
  • The Professional Development Scholarship Program offers scholarship support for multidisciplinary teams, victim service professionals, and others in the field to attend victim-focused trainings and conferences that will enhance their ability to work with victims of crime.
  • Training and technical assistance (TTA) is offered to meet your organization’s needs. All TTA is designed to help you build capacity in a variety of settings and improve the quality of the services you offer victims of crime.
  • Attorneys, victim service providers, victims, and the general public can access VictimLaw(link is external) to search victims' rights' statutes, Tribal laws, and other legal information.

Visit the OVC TTAC website to learn more and sign up to receive notifications about future training events.

The OVC Center for VOCA Administrators

The OVC Center for VOCA Administrators provides no cost training and technical assistance to Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Administrators and offers opportunities for expert consultation, peer-to-peer collaboration, problem-solving, training, and innovation.

A resource library features toolkits, videos, and other materials to strengthen victim assistance and compensation programs and services. VOCA Administrators can request training and technical assistance by email at VOCACenter@ncja.org or phone at 202-480-5551.

VOCA Administrators Training and Technical Assistance

The OVC VOCA Administrators Training and Technical Assistance page provides resources to help improve the management of Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funds.

American Indian and Alaska Native Victim Services: Training and Technical Assistance

Learn about OVC and OVC-sponsored programs provide training and technical assistance to help improve victim services for American Indians/Alaska Natives or support OVC grantees.

OVC Tribal Financial Management Center

The OVC Tribal Financial Management Center provides training, technical assistance, and resources to support American Indian and Alaska Native communities as they successfully manage the financial aspects of their federal awards.

Territories Financial Support Center

The Office of Justice Programs' Territories Financial Support Center provides training, technical assistance, and resources to enhance for grantees in U.S. territories to improve financial management of their federal awards.

Human Trafficking: Training and Technical Assistance

Learn about practitioner-driven, evidence-based training and technical assistance available to anti-trafficking professionals on our Human Trafficking: Training and Technical Assistance page.

OVC-funded training and technical assistance providers are available to help—

  • strengthen victim assistance responses to human trafficking,
  • support multidisciplinary task forces and cross-sector collaboration, and
  • build stakeholder capacity and leadership in identifying human trafficking victims and connecting them to services.

Elder Fraud and Abuse: Training and Technical Assistance

Learn about training and technical assistance resources to help improve victim services for victims of elder fraud and abuse.

Improving Community Preparedness to Assist Victims of Mass Violence or Domestic Terrorism: Training and Technical Assistance Program

This OVC-funded project(link is external) provides training, technical assistance, and support to help communities augment their existing emergency response plans to ensure they effectively include immediate and long-term protocols and strategies to support victims of mass violence and domestic terrorism.

Organizations can apply for no-cost assistance, watch on-demand trainings, and view resources on topics such as family/friends assistance center planning and donation management protocol.

Terrorism and Mass Violence: Training and Technical Assistance

View training and technical assistance resources to help your organization or community prepare for and respond to mass violence incidents.

State Victim Assistance Academies 

State Victim Assistance Academies provide fundamental, comprehensive, and academically based education and training for victim assistance providers, victim advocates, criminal justice personnel, and allied professionals who routinely deal with crime victims.

Visit our State Victim Assistance Academies page to learn more.

Events Calendar

Visit our Events page to find conferences, trainings, webinars, and other events for victim service providers and allied professionals.