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Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Administrators

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OVC periodically posts notifications, updates, and resources for state VOCA administrators. View the latest information for VOCA administrators or search for past notifications.

Visit the VOCA Administrators Training and Technical Assistance page to learn about improving the management of VOCA funds or our VOCA Administrators FAQs page for answers to frequently asked questions. If you have questions which are not answered on our website, please contact the OVC Resource Center at [email protected].

The Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice conducts audits of OVC grants to ensure that award recipients are complying with applicable statutes and are accomplishing the goals of the awards. Watch a five-part Grant Award Audit Process Webinar for an overview of the grant audit lifecycle.

News for VOCA Administrators

Crime Victims Fund Balance and Deposits

As of November 2024, the Crime Victims Fund (the Fund) balance is over $1.9 billion. View the Fund’s annual balance and deposits since FY 2007, learn how the Fund is administered, and read about the VOCA Fix Act. 

Crime Victims Fund webpage

Balance Fact Sheet

Annual Receipts Fact Sheet

Victim Assistance Formula Allocations Fact Sheet


Release of the VOCA Victim Compensation Certification Form (VCC) - Due December 31, 2024

November 1, 2024

Hello from OVC,

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) State Victim Resource Division (SVRD) is excited to share with you the release of the VOCA Victim Compensation Certification (VCC) form and instructions to prepare for the FY 2025 VOCA Formula Award Allocations.

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Message from the SVRD Division Director - iMPRoVE Project

February 1, 2024

Dear VOCA State Administrator,

In my first message to you since joining OVC, I’d like to highlight for you an incredible new resource developed to help victim service providers measure the short-term outcomes and quality of services delivered to persons impacted by crime.

The iMPRoVE platform and tool are FREE resources available to all victim service providers nationwide.

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VOCA Administrators Announcements

The VOCA Administrators Announcements page provides additional news you can use.

View updates on policies, funding announcements, and more.

Explore New VOCA Data Dashboards

Interactive data dashboards provide an overview of key performance measure data on Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation grant programs for Fiscal Years 2021–2023. 


This comprehensive resource addresses allowability questions related to the VOCA Formula Victim Assistance Grant Program Final Rule. Answers cover general provisions, match requirements, indirect cost rates, volunteers, pass-through entities, supplanting, subrecipient monitoring, reporting, allowable expenses, and more.

The OVC Center for VOCA Administrators

The OVC Center for VOCA Administrators provides no cost training and technical assistance to Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Administrators and their staff on federal grant management and administration.

FY 2019 VOCA Topical Snapshots

View snapshots on services provided to victims of crime by the 6,837 organizations that received VOCA victim assistance funds and the 53 agencies that administered VOCA victim compensation during FY 2019.

Reports cover:

  • services to victims of sexual assault,
  • services for children, and
  • services for older adults.


A Vision for Equity in Victim Services: What Do the Data Tell Us About the Work Ahead

OVC and Bureau of Justice Statistics Fellow Heather Warnken, J.D., LL.M. presents her work and vision to ensure equity in victim services. Ms. Warnken highlights statistics on racial disparities and violent victimization.

She discusses the need to ensure that programming is in place to reach victims of color and how VOCA assistance and compensation funds, and other discretionary funds, can be used to expand access to justice across all communities.



OVC Center for VOCA Administrators Launch: Remarks from OVC Director Kristina Rose

In this video, OVC Director Kristina Rose announces the launch of the OVC Center for VOCA Administrators. The Center provides technical support to strengthen the capacity of VOCA Administrators to administer VOCA formula victim assistance and victim compensation funds—the cornerstone of support for victims throughout the Nation.

Visit the OVC Center for VOCA Administrators website.