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Release of the VOCA Victim Compensation Certification Form (VCC) - Due December 31, 2024

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November 1, 2024

A Copy of an Email Sent by Joel P. Hall, OVC Deputy Division Director, on November 1, 2024 

Hello from OVC,

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) State Victim Resource Division (SVRD) is excited to share with you the release of the VOCA Victim Compensation Certification (VCC) form and instructions to prepare for the FY 2025 VOCA Formula Award Allocations. The data provided in this certification form is used by OVC to calculate allocations for VOCA-eligible crime victim compensation programs. The fillable-pdf VCC form and corresponding instructions are attached to this email (in one document). We included all VOCA Victim Compensation and Assistance administrators on this email for your awareness, and we recognize the release of the VCC form most directly impacts Victim Compensation administrators. There have been no changes to the form from last year. 

For your ease and reference, below you will find: 

As always, if you have any questions, please contact your Grant Management Specialist and/or me.

Joel P. Hall
Deputy Division Director
Office for Victims of Crime

Relevant Details re: the VCC Form:

  • VCC Form Submission Due Date: All grantees must submit the VCC form directly to their grant manager by Tuesday, December 31, 2024. Written instructions on how to submit the VCC form are below. 
  • Training Opportunity: On Thursday, November 7, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. e.t., SVRD will facilitate a discussion with VOCA Victim Compensation State Administrators. OVC will provide an overview of the VCC form and instructions, offer tips for completing the form, and take questions. Registration for the webinar can be found here(link is external).
  • JustGrants Submission Status: Currently, JustGrants still cannot support completion of the VCC form in the JustGrants system for this year. We continue to work with the JustGrants development team. But for now, we will need to complete the VCC forms externally from JustGrants. You may submit them to your SVRD Grant Management Specialists as we have for the past 2 years.
  • Instructions for Submitting VCC Forms:
    1. Submit to OVC SVRD Grant Management Specialists – VOCA Compensation grantees must submit the VCC forms (via email) to their assigned Grant Management Specialist. The Grant Management Specialist will upload the state-completed form into JustGrants on your agency’s behalf. VOCA Compensation grantees should not submit a Grant Award Modification (GAM) in JustGrants in an effort to submit the VCC form. 
    2. Reporting Period – The reporting period is October 1, 2022 –September 30, 2023. 
    3. Electronic Signature – Please sign the form electronically at the bottom of the PDF in the signature box. 
    4. File Names – Please use the following naming convention when submitting the VCC form to your Grant Management Specialist to ensure consistency in the files for uploading: <State Initials>, VCC, <Award Year>, (Ex. OH VCC FY 23). The date of 2024 reflects the award year the VCC forms are being collected. A common question to OVC is why put FY 24 on the file name when the reporting period is FY 23. The reason for that is that your agency provides previous compensation expenditures for federal fiscal year (FFY) 23 during this FFY 24 to prepare the allocation tables for FFY 25. This gap allows compensation programs the time to reconcile their expenditures before reporting. 
    5. Due Date – The due date for VCC form submission to your OVC grant manager is Tuesday, December 31, 2024. 
    6. Note – Do not submit VIA a GAM in JustGrants.

Attachment: VOCA Victim Compensation Certification (VCC) form and instructions

Date Created: November 1, 2024