Release of the VOCA Victim Compensation Certification Form (VCC) - Due December 31, 2024
November 1, 2024
Hello from OVC,
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) State Victim Resource Division (SVRD) is excited to share with you the release of the VOCA Victim Compensation Certification (VCC) form and instructions to prepare for the FY 2025 VOCA Formula Award Allocations.
2024 VOCA National Joint Training Conference – Registration and New VOCA Administrator Open House
June 26, 2024
OVC is excited to see you in person in New Orleans at the upcoming National Joint Training Conference for VOCA Victim Assistance and Compensation Administrators!
The conference is scheduled for Tuesday, August 6th – Thursday, August 8th, 2024, with pre-conference sessions on the afternoon of Monday, August 5.
Release of the FY 2024 VOCA Victim Compensation and Victim Assistance Formula Solicitations
April 5, 2024 (Updated May 13, 2024)
Good Afternoon Administrators!
We are very excited to announce the release of the FY 2024 VOCA Victim Compensation and Victim Assistance Formula Solicitations in JustGrants!
Message from the SVRD Division Director - iMPRoVE Project
February 1, 2024
Dear VOCA State Administrator,
In my first message to you since joining OVC, I’d like to highlight for you an incredible new resource developed to help victim service providers measure the short-term outcomes and quality of services delivered to persons impacted by crime.
The iMPRoVE platform and tool are FREE resources available to all victim service providers nationwide.
Now Accepting VOCA Victim Compensation Certification Forms—Due December 29, 2023
November 8, 2023
Hello from OVC,
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) State Victim Resource Division (SVRD) is excited to share with you the release of the VOCA Victim Compensation Certification (VCC) form and instructions to prepare for the FY 2024 VOCA Formula Award Allocations.
FY 2023 VOCA Formula Solicitations - released!
April 6, 2023
Good Afternoon Administrators!
We are very excited to announce the release of the FY 2023 VOCA Victim Compensation and Victim Assistance Formula Solicitations!
Spring 2023 Updates: VOCA Administrators’ Conference, Allocations, and Suitability Special Condition
March 23, 2023
Greetings from Washington, D.C., where the State Victim Resource Division is eagerly awaiting the full bloom of the Cherry Blossom Trees and some warmer weather and sun.
We have some updates we want to share with everyone:
- VOCA Administrators’ Conference
- Allocations
- Suitability Special Condition
Release of the VOCA Victim Compensation Certification Form (VCC)
December 13, 2022
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) State Victim Resource Division (SVRD) is excited to share with you the release of the VOCA Victim Compensation Certification (VCC) form and instructions to prepare for the FY 23 VOCA Formula Awards.
FY 2022 VOCA Assistance and Compensation Solicitations and Allocation Charts Released
April 29, 2022 (Updated June 3, 2022)
Apply for the FY 2022 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance and Compensation formula solicitations. Applications for both solicitations are due by Thursday, June 30, 2022.
View Updated Performance Measures Information for OVC Grantees
September 30, 2021
OVC sets program goals and collects performance measures data that capture grantees’ achievements.
We encourage OVC grantees to view recently updated performance measures content ...
Documenting Salaries, Wages, and Fringe Benefits for Grant Funded Personnel
July 7, 2021
In response to inquiries from the field on how to document salaries, wages, and fringe benefits for grant funded personnel, OVC posted the following resource: Time and Effort Best Practices for VOCA-Funded Personnel.
Application Mechanics: VOCA Formula Application Submission in JustGrants Webinar Now Online
June 16, 2021
OVC recently posted the materials from a webinar to help OVC FY 2021 VOCA Victim Assistance Formula Grant and OVC FY 2021 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula Grant applicants understand the new two-phase application process. The webinar was hosted by OJP’s JustGrants experts.
FY 2021 VOCA Assistance and Compensation Solicitations and Allocation Charts
June 1, 2021
The Office of Justice Programs has released the FY 2021 VOCA Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation allocation charts:
OVC Formula Chart: 2021 Crime Victims Fund Allocation – Assistance
OVC Formula Chart: 2021 Crime Victims Fund Allocation – Compensation
Refer to these allocation charts when applying for the FY 2021 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance and Compensation formula solicitations. Applications for both solicitations are due by Monday, July 19, 2021.
Charging and Certification of Sexual Assault Forensic Exams to Compensation Programs
February 19, 2021
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Deputy Director, on January 25, 2021
Good Afternoon Everyone,
We are providing the attached memorandum to provide clarification on the charging and certification of sexual assault forensic exams to the Crime Victims Fund Compensation Program.
Compensation and Crowdfunding/Check-ins with Grant Managers
February 17, 2021
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Deputy Director, on February 11, 2021
Good Evening Everyone,
The purpose of this email is to provide information about compensation and crowdfunding, and also offer an opportunity to all of you to have more “regular” check-ins with your grant managers.
Early September Updates: Automated Standard Application for Payments, VOCApedia, and Compensation Clarifications
September 17, 2020
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Deputy Director, on September 2, 2020
Good Evening Everyone,
I hope you are enjoying the conference so far. It is so exciting that we have almost 900 people to learn from – what a unique opportunity. In the midst of the conference activities, we have some important announcements we wanted to share with you. Please see the below list of items, some of which we have discussed during the conference.
If you have any questions, please let us know. We always appreciate hearing from you. We wish you and your families health and safety.
FY 2020 VOCA Victim Compensation and Victim Assistance Formula Application Attachments and More
April 29, 2020
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Deputy Director, on April 20, 2020
Good Afternoon VOCA Administrators,
This email contains information about the Compensation and Assistance applications and related required attachments; the FY 2020 Training and Technical Assistance Solicitation for Administrators and Subrecipients; and the recently launched DOJ National Elder Fraud hotline.
March 2020 Updates to Match Waiver Approval Process
April 14, 2020
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Deputy Director, on March 31, 2020
Good Afternoon Everyone,
OVC is issuing the attached "March 2020 Updates to OVC Match Waiver Approval Process" in response to VOCA Victim Assistance Administrators comments and feedback. There are three distinct updates from the original July 2019 "OVC Match Waiver Approval Process."
FY 2020 VOCA Assistance and Compensation Solicitations and Allocation Tables
April 3, 2020
The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) has released the FY 2020 VOCA Victim Compensation and Victim Assistance allocation tables:
OVC is accepting applications for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance and Compensation formula solicitations. Applications for both solicitations are due by Monday, June 1, 2020.
OVC Winter 2020 Update: VOCApedia, Solicitations, New PMT Resources, and More
March 27, 2020
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Deputy Director, on February 26, 2020
Happy Wednesday Everyone,
I hope your 2020 is off to a good start. Below, you will find updates on various OVC/OJP topics. Once again, don't be scared by the length! This is like a menu; pick and choose what strikes you.
VOCApedia: The most recent update to VOCApedia includes 25 questions we received in December 2019 and January 2020. The next update will be in March 2020.
February 2020 VOCApedia Update
February 24, 2020
OVC updated VOCApedia based on recent questions from Formula Victim Assistance Program grantees. This comprehensive resource covers topics including general provisions, monitoring, reporting, allowable expenses, and more.
SARS Clarification, VOCApedia Monthly Update, and Other November Updates
February 12, 2020
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Acting Deputy Director, on December 17, 2019
Good Evening Administrators,
We are excited to share with you many updates from OVC. This email is long, but full of good nuggets of information for both Compensation and Assistance Administrators. Keep reading and don’t panic!
Release of VOCApedia
November 8, 2019
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Acting Deputy Director, on November 1, 2019
Good Afternoon,
As promised earlier this month, we are very excited to share with you the release of “VOCApedia”. Yesterday, VOCApedia went live on OVC’s VOCA Administrators’ webpage.
Early October 2019 Updates
November 6, 2019
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Acting Deputy Director, on October 4, 2019
Happy Friday Evening,
There is nothing like starting off your weekend with a long Friday night email from OVC! This email has several updates and reminders from all of us at OVC.
Updated Match Waiver Approval Process
November 6, 2019
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Acting Deputy Director, on June 27, 2019
Good Evening Everyone,
It is with great excitement that we at OJP under the leadership of our new Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Katie Sullivan and OVC Director Darlene Hutchinson announce an updated process for match waiver approvals.
Read Updated Answers to VOCA Formula Victim Assistance Rule Frequently Asked Questions
October 31, 2019
OVC has published updated answers to Frequently Asked Questions from Formula Victim Assistance Program grantees. Read these updates in our comprehensive VOCApedia.
Release of VOCApedia
November 8, 2019
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Acting Deputy Director, on November 1, 2019
Good Afternoon,
As promised earlier this month, we are very excited to share with you the release of “VOCApedia”. Yesterday, VOCApedia went live on OVC’s VOCA Administrators’ webpage.
Early October 2019 Updates
November 6, 2019
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Acting Deputy Director, on October 4, 2019
Happy Friday Evening,
There is nothing like starting off your weekend with a long Friday night email from OVC! This email has several updates and reminders from all of us at OVC.
Updated Match Waiver Approval Process
November 6, 2019
A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Acting Deputy Director, on June 27, 2019
Good Evening Everyone,
It is with great excitement that we at OJP under the leadership of our new Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Katie Sullivan and OVC Director Darlene Hutchinson announce an updated process for match waiver approvals.
Read Updated Answers to VOCA Formula Victim Assistance Rule Frequently Asked Questions
October 31, 2019
OVC has published updated answers to Frequently Asked Questions from Formula Victim Assistance Program grantees. Read these updates in our comprehensive VOCApedia.
Copy of Email Sent on behalf of Marilyn M. Roberts, OVC Deputy Director, on July 16, 2018 and Match Waiver Template
December 10, 2018
We are writing today to provide guidance on the process to request the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Director grant a full or partial waiver of the match requirements applicable to VOCA Victim Assistance subawards.
Center for Victim Research Launches Website to Help Improve Victim Services
August 21, 2018
The Center for Victim Research (CVR) has launched a new website with support from OVC. Launched this year, the Center facilitates access to victim research and data while improving the utility of research and data collection to crime victim services nationwide.
Copy of Email Sent on behalf of Marilyn M. Roberts, OVC Deputy Director, on July 16, 2018 and Match Waiver Template
December 10, 2018
We are writing today to provide guidance on the process to request the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Director grant a full or partial waiver of the match requirements applicable to VOCA Victim Assistance subawards.
Center for Victim Research Launches Website to Help Improve Victim Services
August 21, 2018
The Center for Victim Research (CVR) has launched a new website with support from OVC. Launched this year, the Center facilitates access to victim research and data while improving the utility of research and data collection to crime victim services nationwide.
VOCA–Funded Elder Abuse Programs
October 12, 2017; Updated March 31, 2020; Updated October 30, 2023
The programs listed below are not equipped to respond to calls for immediate assistance, such as calls intended for Adult Protective Services.
In 2016, the new VOCA Formula Victim Assistance Rule clarified and expanded states’ allowable uses of VOCA victim assistance funding. With this clarification, states were able to identify more ways to support all victims, including victims of elder abuse
The Use of VOCA Victim Assistance Program Funds for APS Intake Workers
August 16, 2017
In all states, some form of adult protective services (APS) exists to receive reports of elder abuse. Some states utilize a statewide hotline for receiving reports of elder abuse (intake), while other states maintain a system of local level intake.
Message to Compensation Administrators: Change in the Financial Guide Regarding Payments to Crime Victims
March 30, 2017
The purpose of this message is to announce an update to the 2015 DOJ Grants Financial Guide regarding sources of payments to crime victims under the OVC Victim Compensation Program. Section 2.3 of the Guide is now consistent with the 2001 VOCA Victim Compensation Program Guidelines and contains the following information.
VOCA–Funded Elder Abuse Programs
October 12, 2017; Updated March 31, 2020; Updated October 30, 2023
The programs listed below are not equipped to respond to calls for immediate assistance, such as calls intended for Adult Protective Services.
In 2016, the new VOCA Formula Victim Assistance Rule clarified and expanded states’ allowable uses of VOCA victim assistance funding. With this clarification, states were able to identify more ways to support all victims, including victims of elder abuse
The Use of VOCA Victim Assistance Program Funds for APS Intake Workers
August 16, 2017
In all states, some form of adult protective services (APS) exists to receive reports of elder abuse. Some states utilize a statewide hotline for receiving reports of elder abuse (intake), while other states maintain a system of local level intake.
Message to Compensation Administrators: Change in the Financial Guide Regarding Payments to Crime Victims
March 30, 2017
The purpose of this message is to announce an update to the 2015 DOJ Grants Financial Guide regarding sources of payments to crime victims under the OVC Victim Compensation Program. Section 2.3 of the Guide is now consistent with the 2001 VOCA Victim Compensation Program Guidelines and contains the following information.
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Formula Victim Assistance Rule
August 8, 2016
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) announces that the final rule for its Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Formula Victim Assistance Grant Program became effective on August 8, 2016. The final rule sets forth the parameters for the use of funds under OVC's Victim Assistance Program.
Clarification of Allowable Costs for Victim Assistance Programs
July 6, 2016
OVC has received communication from a number of people in the victim assistance field about state Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) assistance administering agencies' interpretation of the current VOCA Assistance Final Program Guidelines on expenses related to transitional housing and civil legal assistance, as well as the federal definition of “supplanting" for VOCA purposes.
Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Funds as Matching Funds for Certain OVC Grant Programs
June 16, 2016
Please review the attached letter regarding the permissibility of the use of Legal Services Corporation (LSC) funds as matching funds for certain OVC grant programs.
Clarification regarding the applicability of the payer of last resort provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to state VOCA victim compensation programs
June 3, 2016
The purpose of this message is to clarify how the payer of last resort provision in the recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) applies to your state's Victims of Crime Act of 1984 (VOCA) victim compensation program.
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Formula Victim Assistance Rule
August 8, 2016
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) announces that the final rule for its Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Formula Victim Assistance Grant Program became effective on August 8, 2016. The final rule sets forth the parameters for the use of funds under OVC's Victim Assistance Program.
Clarification of Allowable Costs for Victim Assistance Programs
July 6, 2016
OVC has received communication from a number of people in the victim assistance field about state Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) assistance administering agencies' interpretation of the current VOCA Assistance Final Program Guidelines on expenses related to transitional housing and civil legal assistance, as well as the federal definition of “supplanting" for VOCA purposes.
Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Funds as Matching Funds for Certain OVC Grant Programs
June 16, 2016
Please review the attached letter regarding the permissibility of the use of Legal Services Corporation (LSC) funds as matching funds for certain OVC grant programs.
Clarification regarding the applicability of the payer of last resort provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to state VOCA victim compensation programs
June 3, 2016
The purpose of this message is to clarify how the payer of last resort provision in the recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) applies to your state's Victims of Crime Act of 1984 (VOCA) victim compensation program.
Policy change to VOCA Assistance Guidelines with regard to allowability of indirect costs to conform to 2 C.F.R. Part 200
October 9, 2015
The purpose of this message is to announce the Office for Victims of Crime's (OVC) policy regarding the allowability of indirect costs at the sub-recipient level for the VOCA Victim Assistance Program. For VOCA Victim Assistance Program funding awarded by OVC in Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 and later, OVC will allow indirect costs at the sub-recipient level.
Policy change to VOCA Assistance Guidelines with regard to allowability of indirect costs to conform to 2 C.F.R. Part 200
October 9, 2015
The purpose of this message is to announce the Office for Victims of Crime's (OVC) policy regarding the allowability of indirect costs at the sub-recipient level for the VOCA Victim Assistance Program. For VOCA Victim Assistance Program funding awarded by OVC in Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 and later, OVC will allow indirect costs at the sub-recipient level.
Clarification regarding the applicability of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 to VOCA victim compensation and victim assistance programs
June 28, 2010
The purpose of this message is to provide clarification regarding the applicability of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 to Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) victim compensation and victim assistance programs.
This issue has been raised in the past and has been under review for quite some time.
Clarification regarding the applicability of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 to VOCA victim compensation and victim assistance programs
June 28, 2010
The purpose of this message is to provide clarification regarding the applicability of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 to Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) victim compensation and victim assistance programs.
This issue has been raised in the past and has been under review for quite some time.