A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Acting Deputy Director, on October 4, 2019
Happy Friday Evening,
There is nothing like starting off your weekend with a long Friday night email from OVC! This email has several updates and reminders from all of us at OVC.
Outstanding Questions from the August VOCA Annual Conference: Attached you will find answers to some of the questions that were raised during the “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” session, the OVC listening session, and the “Meet Your Grant Manager” session. We promised these by September 30, so we are four days late. I apologize for the delay. You will also see that we are still preparing answers to some of the questions, which we plan to answer by October 23. We will post the attached answers to the FAQ document on the OVC website; clearly distinguish where the new answers are within the document; and make the FAQ document more easily accessible on the OVC website. We will send out an email notifying you once this has been completed.
[Reference: view the updated FAQs in VOCApedia which was posted prior to releasing this email on the site and incorporates all questions originally mentioned in the FAQ document.]
October 23, 2019, FAQ Webinar: We are hosting our first FY 2019-2020 quarterly FAQ webinar on October 23 at 1:30 p.m. During this webinar, we will answer new questions that were submitted in advance of the webinar and take live questions, as time allows. This will not be a repeat of questions that were addressed during the FAQ session at the VOCA Conference. These questions and answers will also be posted to the FAQ document on the OVC website, and we will notify you when this has been completed. If you have not registered for this webinar and would like to, please email Heidi Fam, hfam@ovcttac.org, and she will assist you.
Additional Allowability Questions: If you have additional allowability questions, please feel free to email them to your grant manager. We will continue to review the questions and answers as a group, respond directly to you, and post the answers in the FAQ document on the OVC website for everyone’s review. We will notify all of you on a monthly basis about updates to the FAQ document. (Coming soon – a name change to the “FAQ” document).
November 6-7 Regional Meeting: There is still limited space available for the VOCA Regional Meeting to be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 6–7. A state’s designee should be an individual empowered to make policy decisions for the program. Since this meeting is still pending DOJ approval, please do not book your air travel until you are notified of final approval. OVC’s TTAC will be sending out a reminder email with the revised draft agenda next week.
Meeting Details:
Wednesday, November 6, 2019 (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
Thursday, November 7, 2019 (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
La Fonda on the Plaza
100 East San Francisco Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
Registration Link: November VOCA Administrator Meeting
I hope to see you soon in D.C., New Mexico, and/or in your home State/Territory.
Happy Weekend,