Register for this event to launch of Building and Integrating Trauma-Conscious Engagement, an e-learning curriculum that supports diverse stakeholders in the anti-trafficking field build trauma-conscious and person-centered practices.
This self-paced, 12-16-hour curriculum includes information about the neurobiology of trauma, coping techniques to be shared with clients, self-care tools addressing vicarious trauma, case studies to help service providers think about trauma’s impact on individuals and how they receive services, tips on organizational structure, and tools for trauma-conscious service delivery.
This publicity event will include a diverse panel of individuals who have completed the curriculum. The event will speak to the ways in which the curriculum can support continued education and produce effective trauma-informed engagement strategies.
Project TRUST (Trauma Response to Uplift Survivors of Trafficking) at the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants create the curriculum with funding support from OVC.