Join Victoria Shanklin, Hallie Bongar White, and María Limón for this National Crime Victims' Rights Week panel discussion on Developing Collaborative Partnerships & Services in Rural Communities.
María Limón is the rural technical assistance manager providing coaching and technical assistance supports to rural programs looking to build or expand their coordinated community response teams. With more than 30 years of experience, she is a skilled facilitator employing popular education principles in support of communities looking to improve the conditions of their lives.
Victoria Shanklin is an experienced nonprofit leader who has been working in the field of victim services since 2004. For the past four years, Shanklin has headed Victims for Justice, an Anchorage-based organization that serves victims of violent crime throughout the state of Alaska. She represents victim voices in policymaking forums and advocates for improved services at the statewide level for those whose lives have been affected by violent crime.
Hallie Bongar White is the founder and Dean of the National Tribal Trial College at the University of Wisconsin Law School. Her work to increase safety, justice, and healing for American Indian/Alaska Native communities include the Indigenous public health initiative, SAFESTAR, for tribal communities lacking meaningful access to sexual assault forensic examiners and healthcare providers.