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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Partners Against Crime: The Investigator and Analyst Relationship in Human Trafficking Investigations


A recorded webinar that discusses the relationship between an analyst and investigator and how that partnership can enhance a human trafficking investigation.

Target Audience: Criminal Analysts and Law Enforcement Personnel

Objectives: This webinar will provide—

  • information on the role of an analyst in a human trafficking investigation,
  • the importance of collaboration and working with stakeholders, and
  • investigator and analytical components in developing case information.

Includes: A webinar that will provide information on the role of a criminal intelligence analyst, the benefits of the working relationship, and the importance of including an analyst as part of Human Trafficking Investigations teams. The course also discusses mock scenarios to demonstrate various situations in which an analytical partnership can enhance the outcome of an investigation.

Event Type
Event Option(s)
Online, On demand
Sponsor(s) / Host(s)
International Association of Chiefs of Police; Upper Midwest Community Policing Institute; Bureau of Justice Assistance
International Association of Chiefs of Police

Date Created: February 3, 2022