Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2021, $600,000)
Through its Advancing Justice to Underserved Survivors of Trafficking Project, Justice At Last (JAL) will provide survivor-centered, trauma-informed, culturally-sensitive, rights-based, and linguistically and developmentally appropriate vacatur (post-conviction vacatur record clearance) and crime victim rights legal representation to human trafficking survivors throughout rural and underserved Northern California counties including, Monterey, Santa Cruz, and Contra Costa. JAL will leverage its six years of specialized expertise in representing trafficking survivors. JAL will leverage its Advisory Council of advocates with lived experiences and diverse community partners to increase access to legal representation and expand JAL's free comprehensive legal services and capacity-building strategies for trafficking survivors in Contra Costa, Monterey, and Santa Cruz Counties, which will in turn increase their safety, financial security, independence and self-sufficiency. JAL's goal is to increase the quality and quantity of specialized legal services to assist survivors of all forms of human trafficking through a multipronged approach: (1) increasing access to comprehensive legal representation; (2) build local capacity through collaborations with local community, government, and law enforcement partners, and (3) data collection and participation in evaluation activities to determine if the program is meeting the stated goals and objectives.