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Underserved Survivors Support And Safety Program

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Awardee County
Contra Costa
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $963,000)

The Underserved and Unserved Survivor Support Program (UUSSP) will provide gun violence victims of unsolved shootings in Contra Costa County support through targeted outreach and increased access to victim services and resources.  Gun violence has lasting traumatic impacts on survivors and their ability to heal and thrive depends on the frequency of gun violence in their communities and their access to support networks and support services. Traditionally, access to supportive networks and services are offered to gun violence victims after a police report is made and the matter has been referred to the District Attorney’s Office. However, victims of unsolved shootings may not receive support or services when there is no pending criminal prosecution or a police report has not been referred to the District Attorney regarding the gun violence incident. 

The purpose and goal of the UUSSP is to address this gap in support for gun violence victims of unsolved shootings. The UUSSP will achieve its goal by allocating staff to assist underserved and unserved gun violence victims of unsolved shootings access supportive services and resources. Research has shown these victims primarily include Black, Hispanic, Indigneous and People of Color, but may also include the elderly, disabled, unhoused, LGBTQ, and immigrants.  

The expected outcomes of the UUSSPP are as follows: 

Victims of unsolved shootings have the opportunity to voice views and share experiences in a consequential way;
The structure and range of services and outreach directly reflect the priorities and needs of victims of unsolved shootings.
Services are easily accessed by victims of unsolved shootings.
UUSSP staff are aware of current research and best practices in the area of victim advocacy for gun violence victims.
Underserved and unserved community members are aware, engaged in and invested in victim services.
Victim service programs and partners are invested in the results of outcomes data and recognize these as vital indicators of the effectiveness of services.

Date Created: August 15, 2024