Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $200,000)
SAFE Family Justice Centers (FJC) will increase the availability and accessibility of essential services and assistance to Latin-xvictims and survivors of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, and human trafficking. During the 24-month project period, SAFE FJC will provide for the basic needs of at least 3,000 crime survivors. Services to victims will be provided in Riverside County, California, from at least three locations in Indio, Riverside, and Temecula. Riverside County is at the top of California’s fastest-growing counties, with an expanding population that is increasingly underserved. SAFE FJC provides a one-stop shop entry point for victims to receive crisis and stabilization support. This includes crime reporting, safety planning (e.g., issuing restraining orders, emergency housing), mental health counseling, cash aid, case management, educational groups, court preparation, court liaisons, and social services.