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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Human Trafficking Survivor Informed Services

Award Information

Award #
Funding First Awarded
Original Solicitation

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2017, $150,000)

OVC awards fellowships to individuals to work with OVC on specific topics or purpose areas to enhance the efforts of OVC to facilitate the understanding, development, or enhancement of innovative programs, models, practices, and protocols that serve crime victims. Fellowships also foster the professional development of practitioners in the victim assistance field by providing them an opportunity to work closely with federal staff, contractors, grantees, and a myriad of public and private organizations in Washington, DC, and throughout the Nation. The purpose of the Human Trafficking Survivor-Informed Services Fellowship is to help OVC to promote “survivor-informed” services for victims of human trafficking. In the second year of this fellowship, Ms. Cho will develop, finalize, and when needed, deliver training and technical assistance materials on best practices and different models in survivor-informed services.


Date Created: September 6, 2017