This awardee has received supplemental funding. This award detail page includes information about the supplemental awards but the information about the original award is unavailable.
Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2016, $1,200,000)
In 2003, the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was passed with the objective of eliminating prison rape. In 2012, the U.S. Department of Justice released the Prison Rape Elimination Act final rule. One of the requirements under the PREA Rule is that correctional agencies must attempt to make available to incarcerated survivors an advocate from a rape crisis center. The OVC FY 2016 Building and Enhancing Partnerships to Support Incarcerated Survivors of Sexual Abuse Programs will support the development and enhancement of partnerships between correctional agencies and community-based victim service providers with the goal of increasing access to outside support services for incarcerated survivors of sexual abuse.
Mountain Comprehensive Care Center (MCCC), in partnership with the Big Sandy Regional Detention Center, the Floyd County Detention Center, Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs, Kentucky Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and the other agencies who participate in MCCC's community-based Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), will serve incarcerated survivors of sexual abuse through an extension of the MCCC Healing Program, Sexual Assault Crisis Center, and SART. SART services will be modified as recommended by PREA standards and added into the partnering underserved detention centers. MCCC will provide education and cross-training for the project and detention center staff on the provision and delivery of victim services to incarcerated survivors. All services will utilize a trauma-informed, gender specific approach to providing advocacy. CA/NCF