Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2018, $585,409)
The U.S. Department of Justices Office for Victims of Crime funds the largest portfolio of anti-human trafficking programs in the United States. Through the FY 2018 Field-Generated Innovations in Assistance to Victims of Human Trafficking solicitation, OVC seeks to support innovative ideas to enhance identification of and services for victims in order to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving anti-trafficking field, and to best serve victims of human trafficking. Projects supported through this solicitation will focus on one of two purpose areas: (1) increase the availability of evidence-based and trauma-informed mental health and substance abuse services for victims of human trafficking, and (2) address barriers in identifying and assisting labor trafficking victims.
With this award, the Under 21 will support the victim service fields response to victims of human trafficking and bridge gaps in service provision. Project services, based in Manhattan and the Bronx, will serve all of New York City. The project will: (1) improve the quality and quantity of evidence-based and trauma-informed services for victims of human trafficking by creating a structured front-end trauma-informed mental health and substance use program in their Anti-Human Trafficking unit to stabilize youth assessed to have been victims of sex trafficking; (2) increase the capacity of the mental health and victim service providers to implement evidence-based trauma interventions and other trauma-informed services; and (3) provide direct services for all human trafficking victims in their program, including safe and confidential housing (where appropriate); evidence-based, trauma-informed behavioral health services, educational and employment opportunities, legal services, and life-skills and youth development programs.
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