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Indiana Minor Trafficking Victims Services Fund

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2019, $500,000)

Under the FY 2018 Integrated Services for Minor Victims of Trafficking program, all grantees are required to serve all minor victims (boys and girls under age 18) of all forms of human trafficking (sex and labor). The grantee will work with OVC Program Managers and Training and Technical Assistance Providers to ensure all victims are served. The Indiana Youth Services Association (IYSA) will support the Indiana Trafficking Victims Assistance Program (ITVAP), a statewide program for minors, 24 and under, who have been victims of human trafficking or sexual exploitation or are at high-risk of trafficking or exploitation. IYSA has over 40 years of experience managing statewide initiatives and services for youth. The ITVAP has two main goals: community education to increase awareness and identification of human trafficking, and creating a statewide network of service providers for victims who have been identified. There are currently 41 service provider partners across Indiana. IYSA will continue services for minor victims of trafficking in the State of Indiana, building on the other federal and state programs they have successfully managed such as OJJDP Mentoring for Children of Prisoners; Runaway and Homeless Youth Basic Center Program; ITVAP VOCA; the Indiana Department of Child Services’ Youth Service Bureau and Safe Place; and the Indiana Department of Education’s Child and Youth Worker Credentialing program.


Date Created: September 29, 2019