Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2020, $700,000)
OVCs mission is to enhance the nations capacity to assist crime victims and provide leadership in changing policies and practices to promote justice and healing for all victims of crime. OVC achieves this mission, in part, by administering discretionary award programs supported by the federal Crime Victims Fund to develop innovative training and technical assistance, and to provide direct services to improve the overall quality of victim assistance. The purpose of this solicitation is to address an urgent gap in crime victim services related to Americas Drug Crisis to support direct services to children and youth who are crime victims as a result of the nations addiction crisis.
This award made to Volunteers of America Mid-States is funded under OVC FY2020 Enhancing Community Responses to Americas Addiction Crisis: Serving Our Youngest Crime Victims is designed to provide services to children and families affected by substance use issues and substantiated cases of child maltreatment. VOAMID will partner with Seven Counties Services, Cumberland River Behavioral Health, Kentucky Department of Community Based Services, University of Louisvilles Center for Community Well Being, and Administrative Office of the Courts to build capacity to provide evidence-based services that have documented effectiveness with victims of child maltreatment: trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TFCBT) and telehealth.
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