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IACP Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Past Project Period End Date
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2020, $2,500,000)

The purpose of this solicitation is to deliver a wide range of TTA services to local, state, and tribal jurisdictions, service providers receiving funding under the Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking Program, and others as identified by OJP. TTA providers funded under this solicitation are expected to work in collaboration with other OJP-funded TTA programs that offer a range of services to support both crime victims and victim service providers.

The award made to the International Association of Chiefs of Police is funded under FY 2020 Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Program and the IACP and project partners (AEquitas, National District Attorney's Association, ICF, and National White Collar Crime Center) will: develop a process to systematically triage TTA requests and delivery; leverage the expertise of partner organizations and existing training resources to deliver a minimum of 25 training events; and establish and manage a peer-to-peer site exchange program to foster peer learning across TFs. The IACP and partner agencies will support the needs of Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Human Trafficking TFs and allied stakeholders by providing intensive TTA, resources, education, and outreach to enable law enforcement agencies and their partners to successfully investigate and prosecute HT cases. Key program deliverables include: enrichment of an existing catalog of deployable, specialized, multi sector trainings by enhancing existing and developing new resources that align with the IACP/BJA/OVC Multidisciplinary Collaborative Model for Human Trafficking Task Forces: Development and Operations Roadmap; delivery of a minimum of 25 training events (in person and online); establishment of a peer to-peer site exchange program to foster peer learning across task forces and facilitation of 40 peer exchange visits; and support for an online community of practice for ECM TFs. CA/NCF

Date Created: September 21, 2020