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Mel S. Johnson

2003 Award for Professional Innovation in Victim Services | National Crime Victims’ Service Awards

Mel S. Johnson | Award for Professional Innovation in Victim Services
U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Mr. Johnson has been an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin for more than 22 years. As a civil attorney responsible for supervision of the Financial Litigation Unit (FLU), Johnson has assisted countless victims through his innovative efforts to collect restitution. 

The Eastern District of Wisconsin recovered 35 percent more in restitution during a 6-month period of fiscal year 2002 than it did over the same period of fiscal year 2001. Several other U.S. Attorney's Offices are now seeking Johnson's advice and assistance in creating a similar collection system, and these new procedures could have nationwide implications in the area of criminal debt collection. 

Johnson has also raised his office's awareness of the objectives of the Crime Victims Fund. He has worked hard to ensure that prosecutors appreciate the importance of devoting their time to victims' rights, including the right to be notified of the status of their cases, to be active participants in their cases, and to receive full restitution.