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ADT Security Services AWARE®

2007 Allied Professional Award | National Crime Victims’ Service Awards

ADT Security Services AWARE® | Allied Professional Award
Charleston, West Virginia

Since 1992, ADT Security Services, Inc., has offered a lifesaving program to help decrease incidents of domestic violence. The ADT AWARE® program, which stands for Abused Women's Active Response Emergency, is active in more than 177 communities nationwide and is credited with helping save the lives of more than 31 victims of domestic violence. This program has given many other victims the means and peace of mind to escape an abusive partner. 

The ADT AWARE® program is a coordinated effort among ADT Security Services, local law enforcement agencies, prosecutors' offices, domestic violence shelters, and social service agencies. Through the AWARE® program, ADT provides home security systems and emergency necklace pendants free of charge to domestic violence victims for as long as the need exists. 

Participants are screened for eligibility by partnering community organizations and must meet three basic criteria: the victim must be in imminent danger of attack; have a restraining order or other active order of protection against the abuser; and be willing to prosecute and testify against the batterer in court if the batterer is apprehended as a result of the use of the ADT system. The program has made significant strides in giving victims much-needed security, while bringing professional, volunteer, and support staff relief in knowing that victims of domestic violence have an increased chance of survival. 

The ADT Security Services AWARE® program was nominated by Charles T. Miller, U.S. Attorney, Southern District of West Virginia.