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Joanne Archambault

2010 Allied Professional Award | National Crime Victims’ Service Awards

Joanne Archambault | Allied Professional Award
End Violence Against Women International
Addy, Washington

Joanne Archambault has worked since 1980 as an energetic and outstanding agent of change, tirelessly ensuring that crime survivors receive competent, compassionate care, and that dangerous predators are brought to justice. She served for 23 years as a law enforcement officer with the San Diego Police Department, the last 10 years supervising its Sex Crimes Unit. 

Since retiring, Sergeant Archambault founded the nonprofit organization End Violence Against Women (EVAW) International. She also founded Sexual Assault Training and Investigations (SATI), Inc., which continues to help thousands of multidisciplinary professionals stay current through electronic newsletters, training materials, and other resources posted on www.mysati.com. 

Her insights and efforts have largely spurred coordinated community responses, which she did through building bridges that link the various professions that provide victims services and seek to hold offenders accountable. Sergeant Archambault focused on the interconnected links among the crimes of sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking—in particular, emphasizing how often sexual assault is committed within the context of ongoing domestic violence—decades before others saw such connections. 

She has provided invaluable help for police officers, prosecutors, forensic medical experts, victim advocates, survivors, researchers, educators, and policymakers. Countless victims have benefited from Sergeant Archambault’s ceaseless and often uncompensated efforts, both to reduce the risk of victimization and to ensure that the community responds effectively to the crimes when they occur. 

Joanne Archambault was nominated by Joan Zorza, Founding Editor, Domestic Violence Report and Sexual Assault Report.