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Paul A. Traub

2014 Special Courage Award | National Crime Victims’ Service Awards

Paul A. Traub | Special Courage Award
Burnsville, Minnesota

In May 2008, homeowner Paul Traub awoke to find two individuals with weapons in his home. When the perpetrators realized he was awake, they told him he would not survive. Mr. Traub was stabbed three times in the face and head (a tip of the knife broke off in his skull), stabbed 17 times in the back, and left for dead. 

The home invaders then started fires in eight locations throughout the house, disabled the smoke detectors, and turned on the gas burners, all to conceal evidence of their crimes. They also stole the Mr. Traub’s car, fled, and left the victim to die. 

Miraculously, Mr. Traub was able to get to his feet, run through the flames, and escape to a neighboring home where the police were called. After the crime, Mr. Traub assisted the Burnsville Police Department by giving important details and fully cooperating with the investigation. He courageously testified during the trial of one of his assailants and provided an impact statement during sentencing. Mr. Traub is a strong voice for other victims. 

As a kickoff to National Crime Victims' Rights Week in 2013, he spoke to the Dakota County, Minnesota, Chiefs of Police and crime prevention officers about the importance of victims’ rights and services. He offered to testify and provide information to the state legislature to support continued funding for crime victim services in the face of budget cuts. He also appeared on the national television show I Survived to highlight the work of the police department and send a message of survival, hope, and healing.