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Kim Case

2016 Special Courage Award | National Crime Victims’ Service Awards

Kim Case | Special Courage Award
Missouri Sheriffs' Association & Training Academy
Jefferson City, Missouri

On June 6, 1990, at the age of 19, Kim Case was kidnapped from her driveway and brutally raped and sodomized multiple times by four men. She was held in captivity for over 15 hours. Ms. Case was able to escape when the man left behind to kill her fell asleep. Despite her victimization, she chose to use her experience to offer other victims strength and has been fighting for their rights ever since. 

Ms. Case has spent much of the past 25 years working with the legislature, law enforcement, the courts, the press, victims, and their families to ensure victims’ rights. She currently serves as the Advocate Case Manager for the Missouri Sheriffs’ Association Crime Victims Unit. Her focus is promoting and establishing communities’ response to the needs of crime victims. 

In the fight to enhance services, Ms. Case has worked as a law enforcement trainer and advocate and has presented to countless organizations and conferences across the country. She has provided expert testimony for a number of legislative efforts. She testified in the Missouri House of Representatives during the campaign to pass a constitutional amendment to benefit victims of crime. The Victims’ Rights Constitutional Amendment passed by a large margin and now serves as the landmark statute that guides victim services across the state. 

Ms. Case founded the website KimCase.org, where she shares her story and transforms lives. She is described as an “unsung hero who valiantly battles for those who have been crushed by violent crime and sometimes even death. She is a voice that bravely carries the wounded and helpless through the most desperate of times.”