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Pfawnn Eskee

2021 Allied Professional Award | National Crime Victims’ Service Awards
Watch the tribute video

Pfawnn Eskee | Allied Professional Award
Utah Navajo Health System
Montezuma Creek, Utah

Pfawnn Eskee is a licensed clinical social worker with Utah Navajo Health System and provides behavioral health services to rural tribal communities. Tribal communities experience violence and trauma at some of the highest prevalence rates in the country. Tribal community leaders constantly look to provide trusted resources to meet their communities’ needs. The Utah Navajo Health System clinic has stepped in to fill this need, and continues to work to close gaps with dedicated professionals like Ms. Eskee. 

Her work encompasses the effects and intersection of trauma from victimization. As a member of the same community to which she provides services, she provides a trusted compass to healing for those who must navigate the path. 

In addition to her behavioral health work, Ms. Eskee created and administers the WeAreNavajo.Org website, which provides community outreach, online resources, and information to reach survivors. The website includes features in the Navajo language, further expanding culturally inclusive services to build trust and give ownership of wellness to the people to sustain their culture and empower their traditional beliefs. 

To support sexual assault survivors Ms. Eskee takes part in multidisciplinary meetings and SARTs (Sexual Assault Response Teams). Her work as a community leader can inspire future generations to make a difference in the lives of others and meet them in their time of need. 

During the pandemic, in addition to her daily work Ms. Eskee organized an aid effort to her communities in Utah and across the Navajo Nation that included donations, updates about changes in services, and deliveries of essential items to elders and their families. In the most difficult time, she created another answer to unmet needs and for the most vulnerable in her care and community. It is the perseverance of individuals like Ms. Eskee that give promise that the Navajo people and all Indigenous communities will be stronger, kinder, and resilient in overcoming hardships.

2021 National Crime Victims' Service Awards Tribute Video

Watch this tribute video about Pfawnn Eskee, 2021 recipient of the Allied Professional Award.